OnePlus 6 camera review of Sony IMX519 and IMX376k

Review sections:

  1. OnePlus 6 camera overview
  2. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy evening
  3. OnePlus 6 true low light
  4. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy afternoon
  5. OnePlus 6 indoors
  6. OnePlus 6 potrait mode bokeh
  7. OnePlus 6 sunny day

OnePlus 6@GearBest

OnePlus 6 low light photos (light rain evening time)

For photo buffs, the first big question might be, “what about low light on the OnePlus 6”. The shots in this gallery were taken in the evening time on a rainy day. This is not what most would call low light but it is less than optimal lighting. What we’re looking for here is how good do dreary non-sunny day shots look. Hopefully this post will give you a good idea.

Note, the OnePlus 6 automatically brightens exposure in an attempt to give a more pleasing image, so the conditions were significantly dimmer than what you see in the photos. Fairly normal behavior for flagship phones because they can brighten low light images while still maintaining solid image quality (IQ).

These pictures were not edited. They are straight from the camera other than resize. IQ wise they look very good, but if one were to take a few seconds to crop and/or do a couple of simple edits or apply a filter, they would look even better.

The watermark I know isn’t pretty. It will be removed after a couple of weeks here. Feel free to use our images but we ask that you give a followable backlink to this post.

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Review sections:

  1. OnePlus 6 camera overview
  2. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy evening
  3. OnePlus 6 true low light
  4. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy afternoon
  5. OnePlus 6 indoors
  6. OnePlus 6 potrait mode bokeh
  7. OnePlus 6 sunny day

OnePlus 6@GearBest


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