How to Flash CWM Without Root With SP Flash Tool!

cwm-flashHow to flash China phone CWM on MT6595, MT6592, MT6582, MT6572, MT6589, MT6589. There’s several ways to slaughter this pig, and we’ll try to go through them eventually here. Each has its own requirement or drawback.

The cons of this method are that you need the proper software and drivers and also need to have already acquired the CWM for your ROM.

The pros are that if you do already have the scatter, CWM and proper software and drivers installed, it’s quick and painless and root isn’t required.

Being a bit of an old schooler, this is the method I normally use. Possibly by force of habit more than anything, but as mentioned above it will depend on your situation.

DISCLAIMER: You mess with your phone at your own risk. Using an incorrect scatter, or incorrect CWM can brick your phone. We won’t be held responsible or liable for any bad things that may happen.

NOTE: We now have an updated thread on how to create TWRP custom recovery for the newer SoC China phones such as MT6735 MT6753, MT6755. This method does not require root. Please see the thread linked here. If you’ve got an older phone, you can continue on with this tutorial.

What’s required:
What to do:
  1. Download and install the drivers
  2. Download, extract and run SP Flash Tool
  3. Click scatter loading on right side of SP Flash Tool and direct SPFT to where your scatter file is
  4. Uncheck everything except for recovery
  5. In the list of images in SPFT, click the recovery line and direct it to where your CWM is saved
  6. Click download at the top of SPFT
  7. You’ll see a warning pop up letting you know that not all items are selected. Just click okay.
  8. Remove the battery from your phone for a second and replace
  9. Attach phone to PC via USB – At this point in the bottom of SPFT, you will see the preloader communicating with the PC. The bar at the bottom of SPFT may flash a couple of different colors, then you’ll see a green circle indicating it’s finished successfully.
  10. Detach the phone
  11. Boot into recovery by holding volUp + power or volDown+power. Depending on your phone it will be one or the other. One way will bring you to factory mode, the other will bring you to recovery.


11 responses to “How to Flash CWM Without Root With SP Flash Tool!”

  1. Yondi Nova Avatar
    Yondi Nova

    My Phone info from MTKDroidTool is:

    Hardware : MT6572 (UNIVERSAL5410 is Fake!)
    Model : SM-N9006
    Build number : JSS15J.N9006ZCUBMI5
    Build date UTC : 20140117-115437
    Android v : 4.3
    Baseband v: MOLY.WR8.W1315.MD.WG.MP.V1, 2013/07/04 15:16
    Kernel v : 3.4.0-1590669 (se.infra@SEP-136) (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Jan 17 19:50:49 CST 2014
    Uboot build v : —–
    LCD Driver IC : 1-otm9605_qhd_dsi_vdo

    After I do that:
    I have got CWM Recovery but the screen is upside down, can you give me solution.


  2. shah Avatar

    hi sir,
    i need a help since i’m very new with all this. first i have a lenovo s939 mt6592 with version V1419. after install version 1419 kitkat 4.4.2 what is the next step to do so i can install google play and google app? how to flash CWM into the phone? i’ve been googling since than and i cannot manage to find any tutorial that really help me. please advise. thank you in advance.

  3. Mike Avatar


    But i guesse the hard part is to get the correct cwm for the device , thats the big chalenge.

    And what about CM 10 , any way to get that on MTK devices?


  4. aleks koporge Avatar
    aleks koporge

    hello, i done all the things you said, but after putting off the battery and on again spft doesn’t do anything its still 0%, help…

  5. aleks koporge Avatar
    aleks koporge

    hey, when I connect my phone without battery, device manager go in loop refreshing and making sound like plug-unplug why?

    1. william Avatar

      me having the same problem its show plug-unplug every time…:-(

  6. Aziz Avatar

    my gt i9082 is not working with this method when m entering the recovery mode screen is becoming black

  7. AdvanS5F Avatar

    Is it possible to flash Advan S5F with flash tool but under virtual pv windows 7?

  8. Madmarck Avatar

    Hi . How can do when no removable battery ??
    TCL S720

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi Madmarck,

      In the past people have had success by running the battery down to completely dead. You can also try to hold Vol+ or Vol- when you connect.

  9. Rishabh Avatar

    I have gionee p4s I need cwm recovery.img for my device pls help

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