I recently came across this sad attempt by Qualcomm to scare consumers off up and coming CPU manufacturers like MediaTek and Broadcom.
The YouTube video is entitled “How Snapdragon processors stack up against the competition”. The description reads “With so many devices launched every day, what claims to be new may not always be up to speed with current technology. In this video, you’ll see how a Qualcomm Snapdragon processors compare to the competition’s latest processor.”
Which competition? Which processor? Any savvy consumer will immediately notice there’s no reference to what model phone or what model CPU either phone is using. Nor does it mention RAM or any other specs that may affect the demonstration.
As shown in the recent MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 vs Qualcomm series, the upcoming MediaTek CPU significantly spanks Qualcomm’s Snapdragon S4 “Play” line.
I wouldn’t be surprised if many see this video, or other similar marketing stunts by Qualcomm, and shun anything other than, as most consumers aren’t so savvy. This isn’t downing the consumer – they simply aren’t aware of the nuances.
I would of respected Qualcomm, had they come out with a serious video documenting exactly what processors they were demoing, and perhaps threw in some solid benchmarks.
As it is, this was a lame, amateurish attempt to debunk the competition.
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