OnePlus 6 portrait mode bokeh camera review

One of the big advantages of more internationally known China brands such as OnePlus, Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, Meizu etc…, is that they generally produce very good synthetic bokeh. That is, they isolate the subject well and give a pleasing background blur.

At this time, it’s not possible to adjust bokeh strength, either before nor after the image is taken. We are hoping for a software update in the future that will allow adjusting of bokeh strength.

In addition to the rear portrait mode there is a front camera portrait mode. I don’t have any samples up at the moment, but in my brief testing it performed well.

The OnePlus 6 is no exception. Here we have some examples of OnePlus 6 bokeh aka portrait mode images. These are very tricky scenes with lots of stuff going on in the background and foreground; not your typical portrait shots but the OP6 does a very respectable job. For proper portrait pictures, where there is a very clear foreground subject, you can expect better results than what you see here.

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Review sections:

  1. OnePlus 6 camera overview
  2. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy evening
  3. OnePlus 6 true low light
  4. OnePlus 6 cloudy rainy afternoon
  5. OnePlus 6 indoors
  6. OnePlus 6 potrait mode bokeh
  7. OnePlus 6 sunny day

OnePlus 6@GearBest


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