Breaking Senior Insider News! Lenovo and ZTE Debugging MTK MT6588 / MTK6589 Prototypes

Just as I was calling “Arkanas” a rumor, more leaked news has come out from “Senior Insiders”.

Lenovo and ZTE are reportedly in the debugging stage, and production models scheduled to come out Q4 2012 or beginning of 2013.

If it were one of the smaller companies, such as JiaYu / JaiYu / Amoi / Newman, I would be skeptical as to it’s coming out within the next couple months. Generally though, Lenovo is one of the first to put out the new MTK / MediaTek phones, and I think it’s a good bet we’ll see MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 phones inside 2012.

ZTE as well is a high-volume, serious company with a large global presence, so we may very well see a ZTE MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 within the next couple months.


One response to “Breaking Senior Insider News! Lenovo and ZTE Debugging MTK MT6588 / MTK6589 Prototypes”

  1. ram Avatar

    hope other Chinese company also starts updating there phones and producing new phones with mtk 6588 chipset. regarding lenovo and zte they produce good quality phones but are very costly so i don’t find worth purchasing lenovo and ztephones as you can get better quality just for few more bucks. i hope soon jiayu, zopo, amoi, etc…. starts producng with mtk6588

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