One of the questions that often comes up at is ‘how to make TWRP?’. TWRP is a custom touch recovery similar to CWM, but with more functions than CWM. (more…)
Starting just a few years back, as the number of consumer electronics with high energy density lithium batteries began to skyrocket, a serious and growing concern regarding spontaneous combustion causing fires on airplanes became a priority in regards to making new regulations.
The question of whether it’s actually dangerous or not, is a moot point, as we have no control what the IATA/ICAO committees decide.
The noose has slowly tightened and it will be tightening even further as of January 1st, 2015, when IATO/ICAO regulations mandate that lithium metal batteries will be prohibited from being shipped loosely (eg, not in the product they power).
From the official DHL website:
Following an IATA/ICAO decision to ban loose Lithium Metal batteries on passenger aircraft as from January 2015, DHL Express is likewise unable to accept these batteries on its network. The IATA /ICAO regulation applies to loosely packed Lithium Metal batteries adhering to Section II, PI-968 while Lithium Metal batteries packed with equipment (PI-969) or contained in equipment (PI-970) are acceptable for transport as before. There is no change to the regulations for Lithium Ion batteries.
The keywords for those of us interested in receiving extra batteries for our China mobiles is “metal” and “ion”. Currently, the batteries in our China mobiles are lithium-ion, which means that this new mandate should not effect our receiving extra batteries.
Note, I said “should not”. Already in many parts of Thailand, they are refusing to ship lithium-ion electronics with the battery inside the unit, let alone the lithium-ion battery loose.
This is likely due to their misinterpretation of current mandates, or an executive decision by EMS fueled by the need for a cut-and-dry standard for employees to follow. In other words, “if it’s got a battery in it, it can’t be shipped” is a much easier to follow standard, than making sure employees are trained to check battery type and to make sure shippable lithium battery electronics are packaged and labeled correctly.
Recently I was prohibited from sending a phone back to China at Thai post, but when going up the street to FedEx, it was no problem.
It seems for 2015 we will still be able to receive our mobiles and extra batteries (at least by courier, EMS/standard post may be another problem all together), but things are getting tougher year by year and there may come a time when buying locally is our only option.
I don’t see a complete ban happening, as the mail-order electronics business is just too huge to shut down entirely, but I wouldn’t put a complete ban out of the realm of possibility. Let’s hope this doesn’t come to pass.
In this tutorial, I will show you an easy way to enable USB debugging. Enabling USB debugging is one of the most important steps in modifying your China MTK / MediaTek MT6572, MT6582, MT6577, MT6589, MT6589T, MT6592, MT6595, MT6732, MT6732, MT6753, MT6795 mobile.
The LCD was great looking and the price was excellent for the specs.
Eleven months ago iNew changed the game with their evolutionary release — the iNew V3. The iNew V3, at the time, was one of the slickest looking mobiles on the market, and that included putting it up stylewise against the popular name brands as well. (more…)
inXile Entertainment who rebooted Bard’s Tale and Wasteland is now working on a new Torment reboot.
A bit of game legend history
For those of you born after 1990, let me bring you up to speed. The first Torment game, Planescape: Torment, was released in 1999 and is built on BioWare’s Infinity Engine. Infinity Engine is the engine which games such as Baldur’s Gate and the Icewind Dale series are built on. The engine uses a three quarters perspective with pre-rendered 2D backgrounds.(more…)
Recently Doogee has been coming with some great phones. The Doogee DG900 V9 has just been released and is aimed towards the European market with 900/2100 3G support, and the Doogee Dagger DG310 aimed at the world with 850/1900/2100.
The DG580 implements the MT6582 SoC. Assuming an appropriate resolution of 720p or less, it’s more than enough to push Android as smooth as any other phone on the market. The GPU in the MT6582 is Mali-400 and this GPU will easily run 3D games such as Asphalt 8 at a smooth framerate.
Doogee DG580 Kissme review WiFi
The WiFi of the Doogee Kissme DG580 can be classified as good. When initially comparing it to the iNew V8, as you see above, the signal on the iNew V8 was a bit stronger. However, subseqently changing angles of the phones produced changes in both phone’s signals that showed the signal strengths to be nearly identical. The connection never faltered and WiFi stayed strong and true.
ROM storage is 8GB. Some may lament this, but given that the DG580 accepts external SD storage cards up to 32GB, 8GB should not present a problem.
The phone comes out of the box with 2GB set for internal and 5GB set for phone storage. If you’re handy with modifying EBR, you can adjust this, however 2GB should be adequate for the average consumer’s needs.
Doogee DG580 review Kissme physical build and style
This phone is one solid chunk of mobile. It’s easily as heavy as the iNew V8 and perhaps even a bit more so. There are no creeks or loose points where the back piece snaps in.
No one will believe you when you say you paid a hundred bucks for this mobile.
In the looks department Doogee has chosen style over compactness. When I first lifted the Doogee DG580 out of the box, I was very impressed with the phone’s heft and it looks great with it’s unique silver trim and matte back. No one will believe you when you say you paid a hundred bucks for this mobile.
It’s not all good though, the trim is entirely unnecessary for other than looks. It adds about 2mm on either side and 3mm at both the tops and bottom. I would have easily accepted the loss of the interesting silver trim for the sake of having the phone a bit smaller, but this is a relatively minor gripe.
There’s no notification LED as well. I count this fact as a positive, not a negative
The Doogee Kissme DG580 has no lights for its capacitive buttons. For me this is not an issue, there are only 3 buttons and they are always in the same place, but some may miss it. There’s no notification LED as well. I count this fact as a positive, not a negative, but as with the capacitive button lights, some may miss a notification LED. In both cases, I think the user will quickly become adapted to not having them and will likely not miss them at all once they’ve had the phone for a couple days.
Doogee DG580 review camera
As with most $100 ballpark mobiles, the camera is one of the first to suffer the hit to keep costs down. The camera is advertised as 8MP rear and 8MP front. This is likely interpolated resolution and not the true resolution of the sensor. Most likely the true resolution is 5MP rear/2MP front or less.
Kissme Doogee DG580 review battery
The Doogee DG580 battery is 2400mA. This is fairly standard for a 5.5″ phone and gives good battery life 4-5 hours onscreen internet surfing using WiFi, on auto brightness indoors, with both SIMS in.
One disappointing factor with the DG580 is that it gives up charging at around 92% and jumps to 100%. There was a similar problem with the iNew V3 as well.
If taking the phone off the charger when it hits “100%” you will find it immediately falls to around 4100mV and rapidly down to 4000mV from there.
It’s worth noting that many recent phones have been calibrated to charge fully up to 4300+mA, so it could be a firmware calibration issue, or it could be a QC issue with the particular unit I received. It also could be a calculated move to prolong battery life. Whatever the case, I do not count this as a big strike, simply because the DG580 provides very good battery life regardless.
many mid-range China phones have stepped to the plate and offered quick charging in 2 hours flat
The phone charges from dead to 100% in about 3.5 hours. It needs to be mentioned though that recently many mid-range China phones have stepped to the plate and offered quick charging in 2 hours flat. This is one great selling point for the Doogee DG550, iNew V8 and THL T11. If you don’t require 900MHz 3G, the excellent DG550 is a great bargain for about $40 more than the DG580. Still, the charging time for DG580 is nothing abnormal for a $115 mobile.
In regards to deep sleep, the DG580 is falling into true sleep with no problem at all.
How will we be remembered? Here are 72 of the most memorable moments of our millennium so far.
Markiyan Matsekh plays piano for police during the Ukranian revoloution. [2014] Source: Markiyan MatsekhAfghan women turn out to vote in the first democratic transfer of power the country has ever seen. [2014] Source: Anja NiedringhausKiev’s Independence Square before and after the revolution [2014] Source: reddit.comLesleigh Coyer, 25, of Saginaw, Michigan, lies down in front of the grave of her brother, Ryan, who served with the U.S. Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan [2013] Source: ReutersThe world says goodbye to Nelson Mandela [2013] Source: Peter DejongA woman is peper-sprayed at Turkey’s Gezi Park protest. [2013] Source: ReutersPope Francis embraces Vinicio Riva, a man scarred by a genetic disease. This was one of many progressive acts that the new leader of the Church made. [2013] Source: EPACarlos Arredondo helps Jeff Bauman after the Boston Marathon bombings. The two are now best friends. [2013] Source: APSan Francisco comes together to help batkid save the city – and to grant the wish of an ill child. [2013] Source: Raphael KluzniokA child runs to safety as armed police hunt gunmen who went on a shooting spree at Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi. [2013] Source: ReutersBoston replied with their own message. [2013]The anti-government Syrian town of Kafr Anbel sends a message to Boston after the marathon bombing. [2013]Dzhokar Tsarnaev, one of the brothers behind the Boston Marathon bombing, on the boat where he was eventually caught, with sniper lasers on his forehead. [2013] Source: Unknown PhotographerPakistani Muslims form a human chain to protect Christians during Mass [2013] Source: The Express TribuneGreg Cook hugs his dog Coco after finding her inside his destroyed home in Alabama following the Tornado. [2012] Source: The Decatur DailyA mother comforts her daughter after the Sandy Hook shootings [2012] Source: ReutersThree young women from the New York Fashion Week pose next to a homeless man. [2012] Source: SpiegelThe Middle East sees snow for the first time in over 100 years [2012]Meghan Vogel, a high school runner, helps her exhausted rival cross the finish line. [2012] Source: APThe US rover, Curiosity, takes a selfie on Mars [2012] Source: NASAA 4-month-old baby girl is rescued from the rubble four days after the Japanese tsunami. [2011] Source: ReutersCapt. Michael Potoczniak marries his partner Todd Saunders, in a ceremony in San Francisco. [2011] Source: APNorwegian citizens hold a flower march after terrorist attacks by Anders Breivik killed 77. [2011] Source: Unknown PhotographerNew York firefighters, many of whom lost friends in the 9/11 attacks, learn of Osama bin Laden’s death [2011] Source: Unknown PhotographerBarack Obama and Government staff watch as commandos conduct a raid, which ends with the killing of Osama bin Laden [2011] Source: Unknown PhotographerA police officer pepper-sprays Occupy protesters at the University of California [2011] Source: Unknown PhotographerAn Egyptian woman kisses a policeman, who had refused to fire on protestors, during the revolution against the Mubarak Government [2011] Source: Unknown PhotographerA dog soaks in an adoring crowd in Mexico by following the Pope [2011] Source: Yuri CortezRobert Peraza, who lost his son, mourns 10 years after the 9/11 terror attacks [2011] Source: New York PostChristians protect Muslims in prayer at Tahrir Square during the Egyptian Revolution [2011] Source: Nevin ZakiLive images of the Chilean miners trapped in a mine for 21 days. [2010] Source: Unkown PhotographerSmoke billows from a controlled burn of spilled oil off the Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico coast line. [2010]Tracy Caldwell looks down on Earth from the International Space Station [2010] Source: NASAElite runner Jaqueline Kiplimo helps a disabled Chinese athlete drink during the 2010 Zheng-Kai marathon. She stayed with him for several miles, costing her the 1st place finish and the $10000 prize. [2010]Kiki, age 7, is pulled from the ruins left by the Haiti earthquake and into the arms of his mother. [2010] Source: Polaris / eyevineA fireman rescues a koala during Australian bushfires. [2009] Source: Unknown PhotographerVladimir Putin shirtless while vacationing and hunting in Siberia. The now Russian President is a judo black belt. [2009] Source: Unknown PhotographerUS Airways Flight 1549 floats on the Hudson river after crash landing, miraculously, everyone survived [2009] Source: Unknown PhotographerFour of the last seven Northern White Rhinos in the world are airlifted from a zoo in the Czech Republic to a park in Africa in an attempt to save their entire species. [2009] Source: National GeographicHhaing The Yu, 29, holds his face in his hand as rain falls on the decimated remains of his home after a cyclone stroke Myanmar’s capital of Yangon. [2008] Source: Brian Sokol
Barack Obama wins the 2008 election, becoming the first African American President.
Wall Street on the midst of the Global Financial Crisis [2008]Michael Phelps celebrates after winning his 14th gold medal, setting the all-time record for most Olympic gold medals. [2008]An indigenous woman holds her child while trying to resist the advance of Amazonas state policemen in Manaus who have been sent to evict natives. [2008] Source: Luiz VasconcelosThousands gather to mourn after the Virginia Tech shooting [2007]Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months. [2007] Source: BuzzFeedThe Tribute in Lights shines on the skyline of lower Manhattan in New York. [2006] Source: The AtlanticThe Cassini spacecraft takes a picture of Saturn from deep space. The tiny speck of light circled in red is Earth. [2006] Source: NASATanisha Blevin, 5, holds the hand of fellow Hurricane Katrina victim Nita LaGarde, 105, as they are evacuated from the convention center in New Orleans. [2005] Source: Eric GayPearl Harbor survivor Houston James of Dallas embraces Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. who lost a hand, leg, and eye while defusing a bomb in Iraq. [2005] Source: Dallas Morning NewsKevin Berthia is talked out of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge by police officers. He has since become an advocate for suicide prevention and has started a family. [2005] Source: John Storey / San Francisco ChronicleIsabelle Dinoire after receiving the world’s first partial face transplant [2005] Source: APMother and child at an an emergency feeding centre in in Tahoua, Niger. [2005] Source: Finbarr O’ReillyThe Christian world mourns the passing of Pope John Paul II [2005] Source: Unknown PhotographerA Russian police officer carries a released baby from the school seized by heavily armed masked men and women in the town of Beslan. [2004] Source: Victor KorotayevThe Hubble Telescope takes a picture of what the universe looked like 13 billion years ago [2004] Source: NASA
Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moscovitz in 2004, after they had just lauched FaceBook. Source: Daily FinanceA Ukrainian woman places carnations into shields of anti-riot policemen standing outside the presidential office in Kiev. Ukraine, during the 2004 Orange Revolution. [2004] Source: Vasily FedosenkoThe first waves of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which killed over 200,000 people, hit the shore. Source: Unknown Photographer
The Columbia Space Shuttle breaks apart during re entry [2003] Source: Unknown PhotographerPresident Bush addresses sailors in the famous “Mission Accomplished” speech, declaring the end of major combat in Iraq. [2003] Source: Unknown PhotographerU.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds a child after she was separated from her family during a firefight [2003] Source: Damir SagoljU.S. Marine Kirk Dalrymple watches as a statue of Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein falls in central Baghdad. [2003] Source: ReutersNew York City is plunged into darkness after a power failure [2003]Ballerinas practice with medical masks during the SARS outbreak. [2003]People gather water from a huge well in the village of Natwarghad in the western Indian state of Gujarat. More than 1 billion people still lack access to clean drinking water. [2003] Source: Amit DaveA young Afghan woman shows her face in public for the first time after 5 years of Taliban Sharia law. [2001] Source: ReutersArchaeologists discover some of the oldest artworks known to man in Dordogne, France – over 12,000 years old. [2001]Firefighters raise the American flag on the ruins on the World Trade Centers [2001] Source: Thomas FranklinPresident Bush’s reaction to news of a second plane striking the Twin Towers. He was reading to children at a Florida elementary school. [2001] Source: LIFEZanjeer the bomb dog is laid to rest with full military honours for saving thousands of lives. [2000] Source: Pune MirrorThe world welcomes in the new millennium. [2000] – Source: WikimediaHow will we be remembered? Here are 72 of the most memorable moments of our millennium so far.
With Gearbest coupon code “gizbeatv81”, the iNew V8 is now only $180. I’ve now used this phone for a couple of months and can say that it’s easily one of the most solid China phones ever released. It can hold it’s own build quality wise with any of the big name mobiles.
Today we will be taking a look at the newly released Canon G7X vs the iNew V8 in a simple photo comparison. This is not meant to be an extensive test, as it’s clear a standalone camera has multiple benefits over a typical smartphone.
[flickr_set id=”72157648226416951″]
All images are in the same order, that is image 1,3,5,7,9 are from camera A and 2,4,7,8,10 are from camera B. Try to guess which is which. After taking a look at the images here in the blog post, click over to page 2 to check if you guessed correctly.
Of course if you don’t want to play around, you can jump right in and see the images at full size here on Flickr.
Anyone searching for the best enthusiast compact will surely have Canon G7X vs Sony RX100 vs Panasonic LX100 on their minds.
Cameras such as the S Series from Canon and the LX series from Panasonic had 1/1.7″, while a typical compact has 1/2.3″, so the 1″ sensor in Sony’s RX100 was quite a big deal and mostly remained the king of compacts for two years.
other manufacturers remained relatively stagnant in regards to sensor size.
Sony even released two more “versions” of their RX100 — the RX100M2 and the RX100M3, both of which improved upon the original RX100M1 design, while other manufacturers remained relatively stagnant in regards to sensor size.
Enter stage right, after two long years, Canon G7 X. Does it have enough juice to topple the RX100M3? Or is it too little too late?
While I don’t use these specialized shooting modes often, the G7X has them for those who like playing around with different interesting effects.
Canon G7X includes a scene mode which allows you select from portrait, smart face detect, star mode, nightscene, underwater, snow and fireworks. Selecting these will have the camera automatically choose the best settings for these particular situations and can be great for those who don’t like to fiddle a lot with settings.
One that I do find useful on occasion is HDR (hi-dynamic range) mode which will take several shots at different exposure levels in extremely rapid succession and then combine them for a well balanced image. This can be a useful way to catch a shot with contrast extremes.
There is also toy-camera, miniature, fish-eye, nostalgic, background defocus, super vivid and poster effect.
In most shooting modes you can also select DR function which will help with correction of overexposed areas, and shadow correction which helps with bringing detail to shadowed areas.
An ND-filter (neutral density filter) mode is included which is excellent for taking shots of waterfalls where you want to leave the shutter open for longer than usual, but not take in too much light and overexpose the entire photo.
Auto-ISO is a huge plus and allows you to set aperture and timing to your preference, while the camera chooses the best ISO for a proper exposure.
Canon G7X review sensor
The sensor in the Canon G7X is a 1” 20.2MP sensor. This is a significant step up in size from Canon’s previous enthusiast compact, the Canon S120, which had a 1/1.7” sensor.
In the image above, we see the typical pocket enthusiast camera sensor size of 1/1.7″. This is the sensor size in the Canon S series, the Panasonic LX7 and the Olympus XZ-2. The next size up, huge compared to the 1/1.7″ is the size in the Canon G7 X and Sony RX-100 line. The 4/3 sensor size is what will be used in Panasonic’s upcoming LX100. The smallest size of 1/2.3″, which is common for a compact, is not shown here.
It’s interesting to note that most have speculated Canon is using the same sensor as what’s in the Sony RX100 line. While Sony quotes their sensor as being 20.1, Canon quotes it as 20.2. So perhaps it isn’t the same sensor, or Canon has decided to round up. Whatever the case, the big news is the big (for a compact) sensor.
The megapixel count is of far less interest to me, but it does mean that those who are doing very large prints and/or big crops will benefit from the high MP count.
In stark contrast to the G7X, Panasonic has gone with “less MP are better”
The war wages on in the “more MP are better” battle, but most experts agree that for gaining detail in good lighting, more megapixels are better, while for low-light quality shots, more light per pixel will be of benefit. In stark contrast to the G7X, Panasonic has gone with “less MP are better”, and released a 16MP 4/3 sensor enthusiast compact. It’s also worth noting that Apple has recently released their iPhone 6 with 8MP as opposed to 13MP/16MP of flagship competitors.
Canon G7X review LCD display
The display on the G7X is 3”@1MP IPS, which makes it fairly retina and produces excellent color, contrast and viewability from all angles.
a big, glaring miss on the Panasonic LX100 and all Sony RX100’s
This is something that is a big, glaring miss on the Panasonic LX100 and all Sony RX100’s. To see it missing from the Panasonic and Sony $900 and $800 cameras in 2014, frankly is astonishing, and Canon was smart enough to include it in the Canon G7X.
The display is rotatable which comes in very handy, not so much with the taking of selfies, but when taking shots lower than eye level, which allows you to rather than bend, kneel or scrunch down, simply to lower the camera and rotate the LCD up so you can view it from the top.
Canon G7X review lens
In addition to the touchscreen, the G7X zoom is another reason enthusiasts are looking hard at the G7X. While the latest iteration in the RX100 series has a 3x zoom lens, the Canon G7X has included a 4x zoom lens that can shoot at f2.8 even when fully zoomed in at 4.2x tele.
We will have a comparison of the difference between 3x and 4x zoom coming up later in the review.
The great thing about the extended zoom in comparison to the RX100M3 is not only in bringing the shot optically closer, it also allows for a significant difference in creating “bokeh”, that is the creamy blur you see in the background of portrait and product shots. We will have a comparison of the difference between 3x and 4x zoom coming up later in the review.
For those interested in the technical details of the Canon lens, the G7X glass is composed of 11 elements in 9 groups; 1 double-sided aspherical, 1 single-sided ultra-high refractive index aspherical, 1 single sided aspherical, 1 ultra-low dispersion. Super-Spectra-coated. 8.8 (W) – 36.8 (T) mm (35mm film equivalent: 24-100mm).
Unfortunately in the China phone market there are quite a few fakes. Often phones that have MT6572 SoC will be cleverly disguised to look like MT6582 or MT6592. Recently there has been a clone iNew V8 put out on the market that goes by “Alps V8Y”. The phone is MT6582 1GB RAM/8GB ROM. (more…)