We recently posted a tutorial on how to root MTK6589. We’ve now come across a new root method that is compatible with a whopping 122 MTK phones and should work with many others, as many MTK phones use ported and similar ROMs. This Graphical Auto-Root is also compatible with MTK6575, MTK6577 and most likely older versions of MTK chipset as well. (more…)
Category: Android
Graphical Easy Root MTK6592 MTK6582 MTK6589 MTK6577 MTK6575!
PC Share Settings For Android LAN Access!
Image By Wonderlane While logging in remotely to your PC from your Android may give you access to that particular user’s desktop, you’ll likely find yourself restricted from accessing other drives and partitions on the PC. (more…)
How To Root MTK6575/MTK6577/MT6582/MT6592/MT6732 Almost Any ICS, JB or KitKat Phone!
Image By Matthew Grapengieser 13-MAR-2015: Didn’t work for you? Try this Tutorial or Try our other root tools
11-MAY-2015: Added new tool to auto-install drivers and adb command set to our group.
Came across this excellent software for rooting almost any Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and Android 4.4 KitKat smartphone. (more…)