Newbie Xiaomi Redmi Pro TWRP download and Xiaomi Redmi Pro root

Helio X20 MTK6797 and Helio X25 MTK6797T Xiaomi Redmi Pro TWRP download and Redmi Pro root

This guide will help you install TWRP and root MTK6797 and MTK6797T Redmi Pro, the first step is to install TWRP custom recovery on the MTK6797 and MTK6797T Redmi Pro. The process contains quite a few steps, but most of them take just a few seconds.

If it looks daunting, don’t worry, take each step one by one and you’ll come through with TWRP and a rooted Helio X20 MT6797 / Helio X25 MT6797T Redmi Pro within just a few minutes.

Prerequisites and notes

  • You must have an unlocked bootloader to follow this guide; flashing through fastboot requires an unlocked bootloader. If your Redmi Pro bootloader isn’t unlocked yet, go to the official Xiaomi unlock page to begin the process.
  • You need to backup anything you don’t want lost to your PC or a TF SD card; for TWRP to work, you may need to factory reset. You will lose all user data. Backup all important data BEFORE you flash the TWRP.

1. Download and extract the Redmi Pro root pack. It includes:

  • Auto installer for adb commands, adb drivers and fastboot commands– These are the tools that will allow your PC to communicate with your mobile.
  • Redmi Pro TWRP– The MTK6797 and MTK6797T Redmi Pro custom recovery used for rooting and flashing custom ROMs onto Redmi Pro.
  • Redmi Pro root– The used for rooting MediaTek MT6797 and MT6797T Redmi Pro through TWRP recovery.

Download Redmi Pro TWRP Root pack

2. Install the adb drivers and fastboot commands

  • Extract the above download.
  • Run “adb-setup.exe”.
  • Hit “Y” to all 3 questions.
  • The Google adb driver installer will then popup. Go ahead and allow and install.

3. Prepare your Xiaomi Redmi Pro

  • Settings >> About phone >> Tap “MIUI Version” seven times.
  • Hit the back button. You should then be at the main settings menu.
  • Go to “Additional settings” >> “Developer options” >> “USB Debugging”.
  • A warning will pop up. Go ahead and allow.
  • Plug your phone to PC via USB cable.
  • You should then see a pop up request on your Redmi Pro to give your PC USB debugging permissions. Go ahead and allow.

4. Copy the TWRP and open the command window

  • Open Windows Explorer and go to “c:/adb”.
  • Copy “twrp-redmipro.img” to “c:/adb”.
  • IN A BLANK SPACE (not on a filename etc…), hold SHIFT while RIGHT-CLICK
  • Select “Open command window here”. You should then see a small black window open.

5. Boot into bootloader and fastboot flash the TWRP

  • In the black command window type “adb reboot bootloader”. Hit Enter. Wait about 10 seconds and you should then see your Redmi Pro says “Fastboot” along with the Xiaomi Mascot.
  • In the black command window type “fastboot flash recovery twrp-redmipro.img”. Hit Enter.
  • You should then see that the file has flashed successfully (OKAY). It all takes just a second. (see pic and video)


6. Boot into TWRP

  • In the black command window, type “fastboot reboot”. Do not hit Enter yet.
  • Hold Volume Up on the Xiaomi Redmi Pro while hitting Enter on your PC.
  • Continue holding Volume Up for about 30 seconds until you see TWRP has booted.
  • BAM! You’re now booted into TWRP

Sometimes you will get a TWRP with a Chinese menu. In that case, here’s the how to change TWRP to English from Chinese steps:

Change Xiaomi Chinese TWRP to English

  1. Slide the slider
  2. Select 2nd column, 3rd row button
  3. Select the globe icon at the top
  4. Select English

7. Factory reset

  • Within TWRP, go to Mount >> Select Storage. If you see Internal Storage as zero megabytes, it means you must Factory Reset.
  • TWRP main menu >> Wipe >> Format Data >> Type “yes” >> Hit the check button on the keyboard.
  • Within TWRP, go to Mount >> Select Storage. You should now see Internal Storage as the correct MB.
  • TWRP will now be usable. You can Install a custom ROM, root, mount storage and backup.

8. Root your Xiaomi Redmi Pro

Now that your TWRP is functioning, you can easily root your Xiaomi Redmi Pro.

  • Connect Redmi Pro to your PC.
  • TWRP main menu >> Mount >> Mount USB storage. The Redmi Pro should then show up in Windows File Explorer under This PC / My Computer.
  • Copy the from the zip downloaded earlier to the root of your Redmi Pro. Leave the SuperSU zipped.
  • TWRP main menu >> Install
  • Assuming you have the in the base of the internal storage, you should see it at /sdcard. If it’s in another directory, then navigate to whichever directory you copied the to.
  • Select the
  • Swipe to confirm the flash

Done! Good job. You now have TWRP and a rooted MTK6797 Helio X20 / MTK6797T Helio X25 Redmi Pro.

If you have any issues, comments, successes or failures, or just want to say thanks, please comment in the comment section and let us know.


28 responses to “Newbie Xiaomi Redmi Pro TWRP download and Xiaomi Redmi Pro root”

  1. Mohammed Avatar

    is this twrp active mtp mount and dont need me to format my data to mount cach or system files

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Mohammed, the two times we flashed this TWRP, format data was required. This is a good point, and we’ll get it added into the guide.

      1. Mohammed Avatar

        thx for fast replying mr.damian

  2. Panos Avatar

    Hello, I have a problem that occurred to me at both my redmi pro, the one was stolen so I bought a new one. Both had the same issue. When I press Install I can see other folders than the ones shown when I turn on the phone. So I cant locate the zip I have in the internal storage and flash it. All I see are folders like usbotg, twres, tmp, system, sys, supersu, sideload, sdcard, sbin, root etc. I don’t think this is random because it happened to me twice but I cant find anything on the internet. Any idea, Damian?

    1. Panos Avatar

      Before my phone was stolen, I had made it work by putting the zip file on an sd card and it was very easy to trace, but my sd was stolen with the phone, so my hands are tied now :(

    2. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Panos, thanks for your comment. Sorry to hear your first Redmi Pro was stolen. That’s terrible news.

      The base of internal storage is /sdcard.

      1. Panos Avatar

        Inside of /sdcard there’s only a folder named “TWRP”

        1. Damian Parsons Avatar
          Damian Parsons

          Hello Panos, /sdcard is the base of your internal storage. If you don’t see the there, then that means it’s not there. Perhaps you copied it to a different folder on accident, or perhaps you’ve factory reset since copying it there? I’m just throwing out guesses.

          Whatever the case, you need to copy it again. Plug the phone to PC, go to Mount in TWRP, mount USB storage, then copy again to the base of your phone, or any folder where you can find it. Into the Redmi Pro /sdcard/TWRP folder would be fine as well.

  3. Mathiou Avatar

    I would like to thank you for you guide. But I came across a problem. The step that I run the command “adb reboot” and hold the volume down button. I get the error “device not found”. So I manually rebooted my phone but it went into fastboot mode instead of TWRP.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Mathiou, VolUp, not VolDown. Also, it should be “fastboot reboot”, not “adb reboot”. Please try again. You may need to reflash the TWRP again in the same fashion.

      1. Mathiou Avatar

        You are right, my bad. It worked as expected. I am into twrp but the text is in chinese. Does this has to do with my phone?

        Thanks for the fast response.

        1. Damian Parsons Avatar
          Damian Parsons

          Hello Mathiou, thanks for the heads up. I’ve corrected it to “fastboot reboot” in the guide. I’ve also added how to change TWRP to English from Chinese for the Redmi Pro. See the bottom portion of the guide. Regards.

          1. ben ng Avatar
            ben ng

            hi mr damain,my redmi pro are fail to update latest miui via was stuck at miui,can you guide me it that stable after update to remain on 8.0.7?thanks for reading mr damian.please reply me asap thanks

  4. John Avatar

    Hi. That is a really handy guide you got there. All steps went fine for me, until I tried to mount data from TWRP to pc. I did the factory reset and the data folder size is apeared as it is (not 0mb). Let’s say that I manage to bypass this one, do I need another ROM for it to work or can I go with the official one. Do you have any good ROM in mind for RedmiPro 64gb?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello John, thanks for commenting. Yes, a data format is normally required (don’t format system). Then reboot and it should be fine.

      There aren’t too many Redmi Pro custom ROMs. I’m using the ROM on Redmi Pro. It’s quite good.


  5. Faesal Avatar

    Thank bro.. it work!

  6. Stelios Avatar

    Isn’t this guide working for redmi pro 4gb ram 128gb rom also?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Yes, no problem.

  7. irvan Avatar

    thanks you so much , i like this :)

  8. josh Avatar

    after I flash TWRP successfully via fastboot i can’t reboot into recovery… i tried with the recovery reboot command + also turned on phone in normal mode, went to update settings and selected “Reboot to recovery” but both methods don’t load TWRP

  9. wyndel Avatar

    hi goodmorning sir. i opened he usb debugging mode already but it says device not found

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi, Try “adb kill-server”, then “adb start-server”. Then “adb devices” again.

      If that doesn’t work, check Device Manager and see if yellow exclamation next to your device.

  10. pietro Avatar

    great guide, thank you for your time

  11. Denial Avatar

    Thank U Damian . This was worked but R.I.P my Data. :-(

  12. muthu Avatar

    hi ,failed (remote: download for partition “recovery” is not allowed) any help

  13. Dan Avatar

    tanks for this, but…. if one is using mac how to operate ?

  14. Daniel Avatar

    after choose mount,mount usb storage, my device didn’t show up in windows explorer (my computer)
    please help

  15. Nick Avatar

    Hi! Thanks for a guide, but it didn’t work)
    I stuck on “adb reboot bootloader”, though I did all what u wrote before
    Command line answers “abd server out of date. killing”
    then “device unauthorized” or, if I entered Fastboot – “abd server didnt ACK”


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