PDAnet ADB Auto-Driver For Windows!

Image By dahem0n

This short tutorial is for those who are trying to root their MT6589, MT6592, MT6595, MT6732, MT6752, MT6753 MT6595, MT6795 MT6589 China phone and can’t find the ADB drivers from the manufacturer.

Some users of 64-bit 8.1 and 10 may need to disable driver signature enforcement. You may also be interested in the full auto-installer which will install adb drivers, fastboot and system wide adb.

Though it won’t work for every model, it should help quite a few of us with rooting our China phones. Please report back in the comment section whether the PDAnet drivers worked for you, and what model phone you use so we can aggregate a list here.

This tutorial can be used in conjunction with my previous post regarding the generic root procedure for Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and Android Jelly Bean 4.1. As I wrote before, that method should root most phones, but it is required to be able to access the phone via debugging mode in Windows which is where these drivers come in.

Again, please report back with your success or lack of. Much appreciated.

NOTE: Before continuing, disconnect your Android smartphone from your PC. Do not connect until PDAnet prompts you to do so.

1) Download the appropriate PDAnet installer:

NEW (11-MAY-2015): Added new tool to auto-install drivers and auto adb command set to our group.

NEW (03-MAR-2015) PDAnet 4170 drivers for 32 and 64 bit Windows 8.1, Windows 8.0, Windows 7.0

NEW (09-JAN-2015) PDAnet drivers for 32 and 64 bit Windows

PDAnet for 32-Bit Windows installs

PDAnet for 64-Bit Windows installs

2) Open the .zip download and extract the installer. Run the extracted file. If you have User Account Control turned on, you will see a warning. Select ‘Yes’ to continue.

3) Accept the terms of the install and click next until you see ‘Phone Selection’. Assuming it’s a China phone or anything other than what’s named select ‘Others’.

4) Another warning may pop up letting you know Windows can’t verify the publisher of the driver. Select ‘Install anyway’

5) Before connecting your Android phone via USB, turn on ‘USB debugging’ in settings. After turning this mode on, connect the Android smartphone to your PC and click ‘okay’. If prompted, select ‘Install the software automatically’.

6) After the install is finished, you will see a window with several options. For our purposes, DESELECT all options and click ‘finish’.

7) At this point, the ADB driver install should be complete – hopefully successfully. You should see your phone in ‘Device Manager’ now without any warnings assuming everything went well.

8) Report here in comments or via email to GizBeat if the PDAnet ADB driver install worked or didn’t for you and what model phone.

9) Continue to this post (opens in new tab) or use your ADB rooting method of choice.


63 responses to “PDAnet ADB Auto-Driver For Windows!”

  1. andromaster Avatar

    Thank For ADB driver ( pdanet ), to tell you the truth, I’ve been trying to root my polytron w2340.

    at the time I bought that phone, they didn’t give the cd driver or adb driver, so tru this article I try to follow all the steps you’re writing on.

    and It did it, my w2340 is rooted now. Thank you very much



    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Thank you for the report Andromaster. Much appreciated your taking the time to report back. It will help future readers. Cheers.

  2. i Avatar

    Amoi N821 works!

    1. lacko Avatar

      Hi! I’ve rooted my Amoi N821 but now I’m lost… the firmware update with SP Flash Tool is not working. Is the trick realy “click start update, connect USB to phone while holding vol. down key” and that’s it? My turned-off phone just views batery status (99%) and nothing more. I’ve used Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v18 to root my device. Help please!

      1. lacko Avatar

        Hi again! Finaly I’ve followed procedure on http://dfourn.com/?p=49 and I was successful! My N821 is now JB 4.1.1, rooted and with my native language – Czech.

  3. Mableur Avatar

    Thanks! I realy appreciate!

    1. Mableur Avatar

      I have UMI X1 phone. And i need to change de china baseband for the canadian baseband I9250UGLH1. Now i can go in the phone with this usb driver’s. I let you know if i can change the baseband, If you know how to, it will appréciate!

  4. Christian Avatar

    I’m very confused! Will this work with mtk 6575 or not and which one do I download for windows 8?

  5. Alex Avatar

    It’s working on new cubot M6589!

  6. gabriel Avatar


    What if the phone does not have a “USB debugging” function, what can I do?

    1. BobDaGota Avatar

      Follow these steps,

      Enable Developer options in your device. To enable the developer mode, setting->About phone, tap Build number option 8 times continuously
      Go to Settings-> Developer options and Turn on USB debugging
      From the above steps it didn’t work try this step, Go to Settings->Security and turn on Allow Unknown Resources

      1. nana Avatar

        what if I cant turn on the phone and I cant tick on usb debugging?

  7. Nick Avatar

    Thanks! Good job, dude! Now I have Internet in my Jiayu G3S MTK6589 from USB of desktop PC! It is appreciate!

  8. tonSaychon Avatar

    I want it.
    Thank you very much.

  9. GR Avatar

    I had found a way to install the ADB Driver without completing the installation of PDAnet (I think most of you will not need it for the whole process). When the dialog appears that you want to install the ADB Driver, install, but when a second dialog asking this time to install the network driver (unnecessary for this tutorial), in a few moments the PDAnet installation will fail, and uninstall, except the ADB Driver. Done using Windows 7.

  10. EGMurray Avatar

    Hi, I have a Chinese dual sim Android 4.2.1 phone, Model #e2001v21-v89-zlh-hd which I am trying to get to show up in My Computer. However, after following the steps above I still can’t get it to work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Using Windows 7 64 bit. Thanks

  11. EGMurray Avatar

    Hi again, should have added in Device Manager, Android ADB Interface working properly.

  12. altro Avatar

    Thank advance, it’s works

  13. Danny Avatar

    Device: alps i6000
    Android: 4.2.1
    CPU Max Frequency: 1508 Mhz
    CPU Cores: 4
    GPU: Imagination Technologies PowerVR SGX 544MP
    System RAM: 952 MB
    Display: 1080×1920 (4.59″)


    Model: i6000
    Manufacturer: alps
    Android: 4.2.1
    API Level: 17
    Kernel: 3.4.5(eng.root.1375848601)
    Compilation: 06v20_v89t_cxq2_fhd_inew_20130807
    Uptime: 00:01:27:28


    Processor: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
    Number of Cores: 4
    Max Frequency: 1508 Mhz
    Current Frequency: 497 Mhz
    CPU Usage: 32.9 %
    Instruction Sets: armeabi-v7a, armeabi

  14. AP Avatar

    I’ve recently bought a generic chinese tablet 7″ (Clust) Quad-Core ARM Cortex A9 @1,2Ghz for development testing and I’m trying to connect it to ADB.
    I’ve followed the instructions and everything installs correctly. The driver is recognized by Windows 7 and shows a Samsung Android Phone with Android ADB Interface.
    By downloading the PDAnet App I’ve been able to connect the tablet with Windows 7 and everything but when running ADB the tablet is not listed on attached devices (what is my main goal).
    Any ideas?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Do you see any type of Android device listed in Device Manager? It’s possible it will show up just as “Android ADB Device” or some such.

  15. AP Avatar

    Hi Damian,
    Yes, in the device manager I see it listed as “Android ADB Interface” inside the class “Samsung Android Phone”
    Windows seems to recognize it without problems.
    It’s the ADB manager that doesn’t recognize it.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      What exactly are you trying to do?

      1. AP Avatar

        My main goal is to connect my tablet to eclipse in order to test my apps in it.
        I’ll think later about rooting it but not the priority.

  16. doc Avatar

    thanx .. working on lenovo a660

    1. Frank Avatar

      did you ever figure out the A660? I am totally lost………….

  17. steve Avatar

    It works on Gionee infinity ics mt 6575!

  18. ivan Avatar

    hola yo tengo una tablet AOC con android 4.1.1, este metodo me podra servir para rootearla?

  19. Erik Avatar

    Works like a charm with THL W8+, thank you.

  20. ferdinand Avatar

    my lenovo a2107 adb not working

  21. Jim Avatar

    Works on Jiayu G3 with latest Jiayu.es rom – thanks!

  22. Rahi Avatar

    You are a SAVER.

    my life was ruined searching for the right drivers on different websites and i had lost all hope for getting any drivers for my cheap china made Ambrane 7″ inch tablet called AC-770 calling king tablet.
    hoever fortunately i landed up on this website today and tried to intall the drivers using the “others” option for my device and believe i was surprised to see that it worked like a charm. now i can connect my tablet with my windows 7 pc and its running smoothly detecting everything on my tablet.

    BIG THANKS to all of you.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      This makes my day. Thanks for taking the time to comment Rahi.

  23. Marcus Avatar

    Show de bola esse post. Me salvou. Dificuldade muito grande encontrar o driver SAMSUNG_ANDROID

  24. Stephanie Avatar

    I had hard-bricked my N9200 mtk6589 1/16GB after flashing a custom ROM from needrom via SP flash tool. Even tho device cannot be switched on, it is somewhat detectable on PC, but the connection on Device Mgr keeps dropping on and off, and info says “hardware may not work etc”. The recovery / fastboot mode too is inaccessible.
    I have looked thru for the last 1 week, but none seem to work cos I keep getting the dropping connection, except test point, which I think could be the last resort?

    1. Nomi Avatar

      Did you get any success in unbricking the phone. I have a i9300 clone MTK 6575 phone and i also have a similar issue. Accidently, I deleted the system folder from the device manager and my phone just hangs on booting icon.
      Anything that you or anyone can suggest i can do as I have the backup of all original files on my PC


  25. Stephanie Avatar

    Hi Nomi,

    I am still working on unbricking my N9200. After scouring the web for help for the last 2 weeks, unfortunately none is available. The manufacturer was kind enuf to provide the stock ROM. I did the test point technique by connecting the KCOLO and GND gold points (the protective cover underneath the back-cover has to be removed in order to access these points. However, the same dropping connection persisted. I am now trying to reload the ADB-SDK platform, and I’ll see how this goes.
    I appreciate if someone can contribute to help me sort this bricked MTK device.

  26. Captain Pants Avatar
    Captain Pants

    My phone has no Developer USB Debugging mode anywhere. It fails to install the driver because of this and has thwarted all my hours of trying to root it.
    AMOI N8500
    Firmware 2.0.0-R-20130404.1124
    Build Number ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2

  27. Monalisa Avatar

    Thank you very much. Very useful.

  28. Mubarak Avatar


    Thank you very much, it helped me a lot and worked just as you wrote. I am using windows 8.1 (64bit) and it works perfectly. I installed my mobile Lenovo a706 (ROW).

  29. Jai Jr. Avatar
    Jai Jr.

    Thanks for this useful info. Its truly work. I didn’t ever know what model of my android phone before this.

  30. ervin Avatar

    Hi guys i need your help. I was trying do to a hard reset through volume up and power and now my thl t100s is stuck, comes the thl logo and then just stuck in a light dark screen. All i did was a normal factory reset as you can do in every android phone. Can you tell me what to do. I do connect with pc but no sign that phone is connected. Is any way to install the official ROM again.

  31. panos Hellas Avatar
    panos Hellas

    I have STAR S7189 5.5” Note 2 (N7100 ) Android 4.2 MTK6589 1.2GHz Quad Core mobile phone and it worked. Great job, thanks for all.

  32. james Avatar

    Hi I’m trying to get this to work everything is goin ok up until additional setups

    Installing USB driver ✅
    Setting up network driver ✅
    Installing pdanet to your phone…
    It seems to stall on the phone installation

  33. Gouk Avatar

    Gracias, unica solucion que funciono

  34. BobDaGota Avatar

    Please help, I did all of this, everything’s perfect but it’s not rooted…
    Help me!

  35. raisy Avatar

    yey, thank you so much! it works well on my lenovo a269i, :)

  36. Conradd Avatar

    Worked for my phone: Star W9002 MTK6582

  37. WickedMind Avatar

    Thank you!!! works great on my Turbo X G405 (from plaisio computers in greece)

  38. Sirus Avatar

    Awwesome work bro…. ur Awweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome. Can u explain me how you did it… plzzz

  39. buddy_somebody Avatar

    Phone: Mpie Mini 809T
    OS: Android 4.4
    CPU: MTK6582
    Installation completed without errors, but in Device Manager I see 3 removable drives, all of which ask me to put in a disk.

  40. Losgondino Avatar

    It works with Star G9000 (MTK6592)!

  41. ayeni oluwamuyiwa bernard Avatar
    ayeni oluwamuyiwa bernard

    pls i tried installing this,but i couldn’t cause my phone is not even starting and i am not sure it is in a debugging mode or not..pls what can i do about it

  42. Laurens Avatar


    Worked for my Star N9800!! Thank you so much. Great work!!!

  43. Geoff Avatar

    ZTE t815, 4.4.2. Window for installation opened, , phone is in debug mode and… it’s just kinda sitting there not doing much of anything at all. Really wanting to get things installed on the SD card, but the system, of course, doesn’t like you trying ot do that. Help? Please?

  44. Raj Avatar

    During installation PDA net i recieve messege updationg PDAnet on your phone and stop not further progreess reported.

    Kindly help

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi Raj, there is no need to install on the phone. The important part is getting the driver on PC.

      1. izri Avatar

        When beginning the installation the installation windows shows “installing USB driver”, “setting up network driver” and “installing PDANet to your phone”.
        The first 2 are installed quickly. But the installation hang on “installing PDANet to your phone”

        I have an MTK6752 phone. Is there a way to solve this?

  45. galesh Avatar

    Works with my ZTE Blade Vec Pro. Thanks :D

  46. AJ Avatar

    It worked for my MTK6592 note 4 clone to be recognized by the computer, now it’s on to rooting and getting rid of that damn Chinese boot loader.

  47. Gregor Avatar

    Couldn’t get it to work on Elephone P7000 (MTK6752) with Windows 10. Is Win10 supported?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Yes. Windows 10 is supported.

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