MediaTek Quad Core MTK6588 / MTK6589 Release Conference December 11th!
Wow. Christmas really can come early. According to the latest news, the MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 will be officially released on December 11th. Whether that means we’ll actually see a quad-core MediaTek smartphone released inside 2012 and whether said phones will be available outside of China before 2012 closes remains to be seen.
Regardless of whether or not a smartphone with MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 is available to those outside of China, actually getting one in our hands before 2012 closes is a good bet not. Still, it’s fun to think about isn’t it? Sub-$200 quad core smartphones with the GPU power to run circles around the latest and near future’s 3D-games, 28nm architecture for better battery life? GizBeat is all over it. Christmas really can come early. According to the latest news, the MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 will be officially released on December 11th. Whether that means we'll actually see a quad-core MediaTek smartphone released inside 2012 and whether said phones will be available outside of China before 2012 closes...Damian Parsons [email protected]AdministratorHi, I'm Damian Parsons. I've been working with Android phones since the first Droid came out. I'm fascinated by computers and technology. My first BBS were ran on an old Apple IIc and Commodore 64. I work hard to bring the latest updates to you every day - without all the boring fluff. Please subscribe to keep up on the newest China tech. See our forum -> www.chinaphonearena.comGizBeat
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