Missing processor power management settings option in advanced power options settings

Recently receiving a new laptop, I saw it was running a bit hot and wanted to adjust the Processor power management options. However, in Advanced power options I found the CPU options which allow adjusting such things as Minimum processor state, Maximum processor state, and Cooling policy were missing.

Other options were missing too – PCI Express, USB settings, Intel graphics settings, and Multimedia settings, were all gone from the options.

Thankfully there is a very easy solution. It requires opening  regedit and making a minor change. Even if you’ve never messed with regedit before, you should have no problem here.

  1. While in Windows press the Windows key + R. Alternatively you can click the Start button.
  2. Type “regedit”. This will open the registry editor.
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power
  4. Double click CsEnabled and change the Value data from 1 to 0, and then click or tap OK.
  5. Restart the laptop.
  6. Check your Advanced power settings and you should see the full array of options restored.

Did this guide help you, didn’t work for you, have other ways of achieving turning on Processor power management? Comment below with what your laptop model is and let us know.


28 responses to “Missing processor power management settings option in advanced power options settings”

  1. Tom Avatar

    Hi. Thanks, but there is no Cs… under Control\Power in my Windows version. Any other things I could try? I am trying to optimize this PC (top of the line Dell laptop)for music production… Thanks again!

    1. Ro Avatar

      The CsEnabled is not actually under the Power folder… it should appear in the list in the window on the right… double-click it to open. 😲🎅🏿

      1. Damian Parsons Avatar
        Damian Parsons

        It will depend on the notebook, but excellent tip.

      2. Timothy Avatar

        sorry to disturb you but I can’t find the power folder?

  2. Akar Avatar

    i really want to thank you , you saved my live

  3. Joshua Reeves Avatar
    Joshua Reeves

    Thanks Damian – this worked great!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Excellent to hear, Joshua! Thanks for the comment.

  4.  Avatar

    i love u thank u so much

  5.  Avatar

    brilliant it just work.

  6.  Avatar

    This is truly an amazing fix! Thank you.

  7. Cody Avatar

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

    I knew my laptop was missing something.

  8. Bob Avatar

    I don’t have any idea how anyone would know this!? But it works. Thank you.

  9. J Avatar

    Thanks for this. I changed the CS enable from 1 to 0 and restarted. It did not change the list under the power options and I do not have the Processor power management options. Any other things I could try? Thanks

  10. Andrew Palmer Avatar
    Andrew Palmer

    Processor Power Management Comment. My MS Surface Pro appears to have been getting hot and then shutting down. Team Know How at PC World tried three repairs, the last one being best after they had totally reinstalled Windows. However I just noticed in the Power Management Settings that the options for processor power management was just not there. And, this is Windows 10 Pro. So I tried your fix and hey presto it has brought back the power management options and some others too that are on my home PC, so all is well in this respect. I am just hoping now that after setting the recommended settings, the overheating problem will go away. Many thanks for your fix in the registry.

  11. Tony Heerdt Avatar
    Tony Heerdt

    Thank you so much my galaxy book 12 was running quite hot and the battery life was terrible despite the battery health being fine. I imedietly saw a change in temperature!

  12. Abbi Avatar

    Hi I got so close using your instructions! But CsEnabled doesn’t appear in the list next to the Power folder. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff but no CsEnabled. Any ideas?

  13. Bryan Cook Avatar
    Bryan Cook

    Thank you for this. Worked like a charm!

  14.  Avatar

    i dont have this option

  15.  Avatar

    You are a god, thanks so much. My AMD chip laptop was missing this option, but now it worked!

  16. RobieTee Avatar

    Try restoring the missing power plans using the Powercfg command.

    You can try this one too

    1 Press Windows + S key together to open Search.
    2 Now type CMD and select Run as administrator.
    3 Accept the UAC prompts.
    4 Type in the following commands one by one and hit Enter:
    5 powercfg -duplicatescheme a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a
    6 powercfg -duplicatescheme 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
    7 powercfg -duplicatescheme 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c
    8. Restart the PC.


  17. CODY BENTON Avatar

    I went to try this today on my XPS 9500 and I cannot find the Csenabled either in the folders or in the box menu to the right. Any able to help me out?

  18. Ryan C. Avatar
    Ryan C.

    This worked to restore my Ultimate Performance power setting which seems to have disappeared at some point during the last few windows updates. This is on a lenovo tablet. Thank you!

  19. Dave Avatar

    Amazing. Thank you !!! It worked for my HP Spectre X360. Thankssss again

  20. Lois Avatar

    Hi! I’m using an Asus Zenbook 14 but the CsEnabled option doesn’t show up. Whatelse can be done? Thanks!

  21. Bradley Avatar

    Spectre X360 15t 6 core here. Screen is at half brightness, laptop is on a hard, flat surface. Frigging fan RUNS CONSTANTLY. I have no CS option in the registry, I’ve tried everything I can think of, and nothing gets better. It’s the loudest, most obnoxious machine I’ve ever used.

    Guessing it’s a design flaw, but still… I’d like to be able to slow my processors way the heck down to see if that will help.

    Is there any other way?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi, download Throttlestop and try selecting “bd prochot”. The LCD brightness nothing to do with fan. You can try undervolting too. There are a couple of apps that might help. Try Throttlestop first. Also check in boot options for fan options.

  22. Mark Avatar

    ASUS ZenBook 14. Fan is running high. Tried the registry instructions, ain’t able to find that there CsEnabled thing anywhere. What else is thar to try? Thanks.

  23. anon1234225654 Avatar

    can someone please help me i cant find cs enable.Can someone send me a photo of its loacation (sorry im very dumb)

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