New Amoi N821 And Amoi N820 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean ROM With Root!

Image By Hermann Kaser

As reported by one of GizBeat’s users, the PDAnet ADB drivers, and this root method worked for the stock ROM on the Amoi N821, but not the previously linked Jelly Bean ROM, so I’m posting this new ROM here which has root by default.

It was a big process to get to the links of these files, but finally have them on the Baidu drive. Please report to GizBeat if in the future these links become broken.

The link at the bottom also contains the Amoi N820 / N821 ADB drivers and flash tool. I don’t know how similar these are to the PDAnet ADB drivers which we know work, so if you decide to go with the drivers in this post, Please report back on how well they worked for you.

New version features!

  • Dolby Sound support
  • SuperCharger optimization
  • Digital battery power icon accurate to 1%
  • Sony Bravia picture quality optimization engine
  • Zipalign script
  • Memory optimization script
  • SD read speed optimization script

ROM original features:

  • Will merge the partitions
  • Integrated root
  • Voice call recording, call log and call details off by default
  • All 3rd-party software removed
  • System languages: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese
  • Integrated GMS
  • Face recognition
  • “Google Play Runs Perfect”

Re #3, there were reports of some errors with the database with these features, so these features have been turned off by default. It’s possible it’s just the default for the ROM flash and when turning them back on manually they MAY work fine. I don’t have Amoi N820 or N821 to test this out, so we will need some bold users to report back on their experience with whether or not they successfully turned these features back on with or without issue.

Re #6, the GMS version are the Google Mobile Services (Voice, Gmail, Contact Sync, Calendar Sync, Talk, Maps, Street View, YouTube, Google Play.

Re #8, it’s reported that Google Play will work perfectly with this ROM. Please report back to GizBeat whether this is the case.

Amoi N820 and N821 ROM Download links on Baidu

Newest Version N820 N821 ROM on Baidu

Alternate French Hosted Newest N820 with gapps

Alternate French Hosted Newest N821 with gapps


26 responses to “New Amoi N821 And Amoi N820 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean ROM With Root!”

  1. Chopinko Avatar

    Thanks for the updates regarding this very nice phone.
    I’m about to buy it this model, but I’m clueless about 2 major things:

    1) What are the real specs of the screen of this model? Is it 16 million colors or 256,000

    2) What about the interface languages it support?
    I’m a originally Russian from Israel nowadays, which means I need
    Russian and Hebrew languages. Russian interface and ability to write in Hebrew.
    Is there a solution with that for me, and not loosing the JB and the root?


  2. Mark Avatar

    I tried to download, but it has very low speed. (5kb/s) . It stopped downloading somewhere in the middle. tried a few times.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hey Mark. I’m getting very good speeds of 400KB/s+. I’ve uploaded it and put the link in the above post.

  3. Tobias Avatar

    I tried this version on my N821 and everything seemed fine in the beginning with gapps and all…
    Then I saw a problem, I cant take any photo with the camera and I can not receive files with bluetooth.. It says that I must insert a SD card. Both apps are trying to save files on the “Native Memory Card” And I dont have one any mere after the repartition. I have lots of storage available on the internal storage though..
    Am I doing something wrong or can I change the settings somewhere?
    Any app that points the SD-card to the internal memory?
    Confused and a bit sad..

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Tobias… Sorry you’re sad. You can try Settings -> Storage -> Select default storage. See how that works for you and let us know.

      1. Tobias Avatar

        Hmm. I dont have a “Select default storage” option.
        In fact I can’t select or adjust anything in the storage menu.
        When I enter the Storage menu I have only one “post” and that is Apps. Pictures etc blinks and then disappear.
        I couldn’t take a screenshot either, “Storage may be in use”..
        Hmm. Is there something that needs to be cleared? cache, back to factory reset?

        1. Damian Parsons Avatar
          Damian Parsons

          Hello Tobias, do you have an SD card?

          1. Tobias Avatar

            No I don’t.. But it worked before the upgrade. And I didn’t have a SD-card before either. I cant remember though what the partitions were like.

      2. Tobias Avatar

        Even when I try ES file explorer it starts with /sdcard and it states “empty”
        Can somone else confirm that this 4.1.1 is working properly on other N821 devices?

        1. Damian Parsons Avatar
          Damian Parsons

          You will need an SD card if you want to use the camera with this ROM. They’ve merged the partitions as EMMC and the camera requires TF format partition to write to. I’m about to post a new version of this ROM with some nice upgrades, but the limitation remains. New ROM will be up within a couple hours.

  4. Tobias Avatar

    Aha.. then I know. Then I will get a SD-card..
    Do you have a link to the original 4.0.4 ROM?
    Thanks alot!!
    Regards Tobias

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      SD cards shouldn’t be more than $10 for a 4GB or $5 for a 2GB. Assuming the ROM is otherwise working trouble free, I’d say it’s well worth it. The new ROM has some nice enhancements. Check back in a couple hours and I should have it up.

      I don’t have the 4.0.4 version link handy, but I can try and search it out for you. If you find it first, please report back here so other users can find it if they need. Cheers.

      1. Tobias Avatar

        I have not upgraded to the newest version but I can confirm everything is working fine with a SD-card inserted. :-)

        1. Damian Parsons Avatar
          Damian Parsons

          Excellent Tobias. Glad it worked out. Thank you for the report!

  5. Tobias Avatar

    I updated to the newest ROM here but I got som issues with it.
    I have a lot of “Alarm Manager” Wakelocks keeping the phone awake and the batteryindicator hangs both in the settings menu and in the notification bar from time to time and is not normal before I have done a reboot. Someone have the same issues? or do I have to flash again and maybe wipe som something in recovery? I havent done that now..

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Tobias, is the phone deep sleeping at all or staying awake all the time?

  6. Tobias Avatar

    It is awake for around 25 min and sleep for 5 min. And the battery indicator is stuck on 100% even though three hours of standby. After reboot battery was on 93% so definetly something is wrong. And the phone was factory reset and no apps was installed.. Hmm. I might have to try the old one.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Do you mean you turn the screen off for 30 minutes, and it’s awake for 25 and deep sleep for 5?

      Googling the issue of the 100% battery brings up tons of threads on similar problems, but the solution is different for different devices.

      Perhaps if you can’t get it ironed out, the best solution might be to go back to the previous ROM as you mentioned.

  7. dvsnunes Avatar

    Can anybody tell wether this newer version (N820_JB_GMS_V3.0.1) has Portuguese language, since the former one had only Chinese and English available?

  8. Sashello Avatar

    Did ROM suppord russian language?

  9. mirza khuram baig Avatar
    mirza khuram baig

    i have n821,,,,i cant take pic from my camera,,,it gives the message”the sd card doesnt hv enough space,pls release some storage”….i dont have pics in external memory ,,,,and i dont have many applications installed ,,,,i have another sd card which is shown as native memory card,,,,,i dont know why extrnl memory card is full,,,,,,,,and why i cant take any pic ?,,pls tell me sth ….

  10. Happy Avatar

    It worked very well for me. Google play also works perfect. Thank you so much for the great work and support.

  11. Daniel Avatar

    Please help!
    I tried a dozen times but avail. I installed the drivers, the phone is shown under device management as Android ADB device, but the flash tool is not communicating with it? I click Firmware -> Update and noting is happening… What am I doing wrong?
    I use Win7 64-bit.


    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Are you turning off the phone and removing the battery for 5 seconds first, then click upgrade, then connect. Please come on by the forum and we’ll help you out. Cheers.

  12. Hard Reset Avatar
    Hard Reset

    Dear friend! Help me please! How to make a hard reset? amoi n821

  13. anum Avatar

    I am having so many issues with amoi n821.
    *My fone screen blinks a lot which really pisses me off
    *It doesnt read my SD card and all of a sudden my images videos music all disappeared from my gallery.
    *The songs i play always gets stuck
    PLEASE help me out..

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