jiayu-g4-mtk6589Current word is that the MTK6589 JiaYu G4 won’t be released until April. If JiaYu’s recent shenanigans with the JiaYu G3 are to be a stick to measure by, that would put the JiaYu G4 release date somewhere in May. Keep in mind the April release date is industry rumor at this point and not official word from the company.

https://gizbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/jiayu-g4-mtk6589-450x342.jpghttps://gizbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/jiayu-g4-mtk6589-150x150.jpgDamian ParsonsBrandsJiaYuNoteworthyCurrent word is that the MTK6589 JiaYu G4 won't be released until April. If JiaYu's recent shenanigans with the JiaYu G3 are to be a stick to measure by, that would put the JiaYu G4 release date somewhere in May. Keep in mind the April release date is industry...

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