Cubot A6589 vs THL W8 vs Star N9589!
Within the next couple weeks, we should see several MTK6589 models available for sale internationally. The three models I’ve personally got my eye on are the Cubot A6589, the THL W8 and the Star N9589. My preference isn’t for such huge screened LCDs as are featured in the Cubot and the Star models, but it seems the trend is going towards larger and larger LCDs. As we use our smartphones for more and more mainstream tasks, the trend may be warranted.
At any rate, why these three models in particular? First off is that these three phones should be released within the next two weeks. They’re all in the $210-275 range. Going by reported specs, all three SHOULD have an 850Mhz WCDMA radio. Americans take note, if you want 3G functionality, your phone must have 850 or 1900 WCDMA. Preferably both, but pentaband WCDMA phones are far and few between and usually in the $300+ price range.
All three phones have IPS 720p LCDs, 1GB RAM / 4GB ROM, Android 4.1 and 8MP rear cameras.
The front cameras differ. The Cubot specs report 2.0, while the Star specs show 3.0 and the THL tops the list in the front camera department with 3.2. To me, the front camera mega-pixel differences are of little importance. This is equally so with the rear camera assuming it’s at least 3.0, though that’s not an issue here, as already mentioned they are all weighing in at 8.0 in the rear camera department.
The Cubot has a huge 3000mA battery to go along with it’s 5.7″ LCD, but the Star N9589 one-ups it with two 3600mA batteries in the package. The THL trails behind at comparatively wimpy 2000mA. Though to be fair, it’s possible star and Cubot are overrating capacity, and THL has a significantly smaller LCD at 5.0 compared to the Cubot’s and Star’s 5.7″. It is very nice Star includes two batteries in the package though, and this is worthy of consideration, especially since it’s the most inexpensive of the bunch.
In regards to looks, I think the Star takes it. I can’t tell for sure, but it appears to be partially constructed of brushed aluminum. Or more likely plastic textured to look like brushed aluminum. Either way, it looks quite nice. The Cubot comes in 2nd with a very similar look minus the brushed style.
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[table “” not found /] the next couple weeks, we should see several MTK6589 models available for sale internationally. The three models I've personally got my eye on are the Cubot A6589, the THL W8 and the Star N9589. My preference isn't for such huge screened LCDs as are featured in the Cubot...Damian Parsons [email protected]AdministratorHi, I'm Damian Parsons. I've been working with Android phones since the first Droid came out. I'm fascinated by computers and technology. My first BBS were ran on an old Apple IIc and Commodore 64. I work hard to bring the latest updates to you every day - without all the boring fluff. Please subscribe to keep up on the newest China tech. See our forum -> www.chinaphonearena.comGizBeat
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