Tutorial / How To Root MTK6592 MTK6582 MTK6572 MTK6589!

root-mtk6589-hero-h7500+Note, the general process will be the same for most MTK phones, however do NOT use a scatter or recovery that isn’t made specifically for your phone. The recoveries included are for Hero H7500+/Zopo ZP800H/Zopo ZP810/Zopo ZP950H and exact clones of these phones. I’ve also written a newer post here

NOTE: We now have an updated thread on how to create TWRP custom recovery for the newer SoC China phones such as MT6735 MT6753, MT6755. This method does not require root. Please see the thread linked here. If you’ve got an older phone with MT65xx type SoC, you can continue on with this tutorial.

I take no responsibility for whatever evil may come to your phone from attempting to follow this procedure.

The theory behind rooting isn’t complicated. What we’re doing is replacing the stock recovery image with one that will allow us to inject rooting privileges.

What you’ll need:

Quick and dirty instructions at the forum

Extended root tutorial

What to do:

  1.  Extract the 2 downloads to a clean folder
  2.  Copy the superuser zip to your phone’s SD card
  3.  Navigate to MTK6589 ADB driver folder and Run install_driver.exe  regardless of whether you have 64 bit Windows or not, this is what you should run to install the driver. Running the other .exe does nothing. You should get a confirmation message saying the drivers installed successfully.
  4. To make sure the drivers have been installed and are properly recognizing your phone, plug your phone into the USB and open device manager on your PC. Confirm at the top of device manager you see “Android Phone” > “Android ADB”.
  5. Run flash_tool.exe from the previously extracted flash tools folder
  6. On the right side of the Flash Tool, you’ll see “scatter loading”. Click that box and navigate to and select the scatter file in ‘CWM and scatter’ folder from the previously extracted zip. Now in the bottom half of Flash Tool, you should see ‘Recovery’ checked and pointing to the CWM ‘recovery.img’ in the ‘CWM and scatter’ folder.
  7. Unplug your phone from the PC and turn it off. Some recommend a battery pull for a few seconds, but it wasn’t a step I took.
  8. In Flash Tools, at the top click the “Download” box. A warning will come up saying not all boxes are checked. Click ‘Yes’.
  9. Now you’re at the point of no return. Plug your phone back into USB. You’ll see the % bar at the bottom of Flash Tools increasing in different colors. At the end you’ll see a green circle in the middle of the screen confirming all has been completed successfully. Shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.
  10. Now boot into recovery by holding UPVolume and the powerbutton. Hold them until you see the dead Android bot, then hit the power button. Your recovery should be blue. That means you’re in CWM.
  11. Select update from SD in CWM recovery
  12. Navigate with the volume buttons to the previously copied superuser zip and select it with the power button
  13. Navigate to ‘Yes’ and select with the power button
  14. Bam, it will install superuser. You are now rooted.
  15. Reboot and search “root checker” on google play. There are several. Assuming all went well, you will see a dialog asking for root privileges. Alternatively, run whatever software you know requires root access and it will request root access if all went well.

Please post a comment here, or even better – join the forum and let us know how it worked out for you. I will try to answer any questions you might have as well.


32 responses to “Tutorial / How To Root MTK6592 MTK6582 MTK6572 MTK6589!”

  1. BIgbamboo Avatar

    try many times.. but no work for Caesar A9600 Volume Up + Power no Recovery comes

  2. Bhupender Avatar

    i am stuck on step 3, Please Help

    what i do

    1. switch off the phone.
    2. connect to pc using usb cable
    3. pc start to find driver

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Bhupender, please see us in the Gizbeat forum, we will try to help you.

  3. Bhupender Avatar

    i am stuck on step 3, Please Help
    what i do
    1. switch off the phone.
    2. connect to pc using usb cable
    3. pc start to find driver
    1. MTK65xx driver
    2. ZP800h
    when it get the driver of mtk65xx it gives the msg “device unpluged”
    and there is an yellow tringle sign on ZP800H

    what should i do???????????

    please help……..

  4. George Avatar

    please can you upload the files somewhere?
    for a strange reason I registered to forum but I can’t have access to the specified threads.

    thank you!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      I’ve now put a new tutorial up for the new 4.2.1 ROMs. It’s currently unlocked.

  5. S.B Avatar

    Hey, great tutorial, I was wondering if this root method would work on phones with a screen resolution of 960×540 too? I ordered an HDC Storm MX, which is basically a rebranded Firefly II, it’s an mtk6589 phone but with a different screen resolution.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      The theory is the same. But you will need a CWM or TWRP recovery for your phone.

  6. antonello Avatar

    root for n7189?!?!?!?
    thanks in advantage

  7. Nightfiend Avatar

    Will it work with Star One S5 ? it’s also MTK6589


    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Yes, this will work but you need the recovery specifically for your phone. Or you can use the auto-root method here.



      1. danycmoi Avatar

        Merci bien…!!


  8. Jose Avatar

    can I use the sp flash tool option “firmware update” to change the ROM on my phone???

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Jose, Yes you can if you have all parts of the firmware selected.

  9. antoine Avatar

    hello, are compatible with the HDC GALAXY SIV – MTK6589 Quad Core 1.2GHz
    thank you for your answers.

  10. George from the Boondocks Avatar
    George from the Boondocks

    Thanks muchos! The first step in putting a new ROM on my Here 7500+ and it took me exactly one try. Keep up the good work!

  11. json Avatar

    In the Device manager there is a yellow exclamation mark. when tryinf update thw device shows he error A service installation section in the INF is invalid

  12. Jp Avatar

    I just bought an HDC Storm MX and although the phone shows to be rooted, mobile network tab is grayed out so I can’t put in the apn settings for my carrier, Straight Talk. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!

  13. apkkkk Avatar

    slt svp je voudrai la procedure de root itel inote mini

  14. Charls Avatar

    Heyy, i wanna thank y´all for your work and this step by step instructions, they are very clear… however, there is something that I´m struggling with, it seems I can´t get into the recovery mode on mi phone… I have a H7500+ with a MTK6589 Quad Core (obviously), I´m stucked in the 10th step, can you help me?

    thank you in advance!


    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      What exactly is happening when you hold the two together? Please come by the forum and start a thread there, we’ll try and get you helped out.

  15. Ali Ravian Avatar
    Ali Ravian

    When I connect my mobile ZP810 (Hero h7500+) in OFF state with my win7 64 bit, driver searching is started in windows, and then driver for “mediatek preloader usb vcom port” is installed. meanwhile in “device manager” a port for “mediatek preloader usb vcom ” appears and then vanished / disappear after 2 or 3 seconds. and then win7 is unable to detect the phone in when it is OFF. hence SP flash tool is unable to process “Download” step, and i am unable to install recovery image in my zp810 / h7500+. I tried many different drivers for mtk 6589 from different sites/sources, tried sneappea application/software as well, then tried UsbDeview as well, tried manually update the VCOM port as well, but no benifit gained.

    all tries yielded into no results, and i am stuck to recognize my phone in OFF state, and hence can not do recovery / ROM / Flash etc.

    1. sk Avatar

      yes same problem and im freakin stuck…

  16. Nico Avatar

    I’m trying to root my S5 but after I plug the phone back in, the percentage in flash tool stays on zero.
    Also I can hear the phone connects to the PC and after just a second or two disconnect again.
    Yet I have followed all the staps above.

    Have you got any ideas?

  17. martin Avatar

    i open mtk tools click on scatter file and i just get a greyed out box so its not possible to make a scatter file with this tool ,at least not this way any ideas

  18. Damian Parsons Avatar
    Damian Parsons

    Either the drivers aren’t registering/installed properly, or the phone isn’t on. Make sure you’re using the latest version of MTK Droid Tools – 2.4.3 last I checked.

  19. mummygoingcrazy Avatar

    ok i get as far as installing the ADB drivers and the MTK6572 phone is still not recognised in device manager… if I try the workaround and install the drivers manually i get the choices of device drivers i want to install?? Manufacturer is Clockwork Mod and Google USB.. i select the Google USB which is the Android ADB Interface and it appears to install then “WINDOWS ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM INSTALLING THE DRIVER SOFTWARE” BLAH BLAH BLAH
    This device cannot start CODE 10??? Now what? this is like the 3rd day i have attempted this… I have wiped all prev downloads etc… cleaned and restarted pc???
    the specs to the phone (Goophone i5S although I suspect its a knockoff of that too) i am trying to configure (mainly for the APN settings so it recognises the 3G) Brand: ALPS Model: Goophone i5S CPU Hardware: MTK6572 CPU Model: Dual Core ARMv7 Processor (VFPv4, NEON) Android version 4.2.2

    Seriously, please help before I peg this thing out the door!

  20. cursoinf1 Avatar

    ¿Alguna solución para poder iniciar en modo recovery un zopo zp980? Después de instalar los drivers de pdanet y terminar el proceso de rooteo con spflashtool, mtkdroidtools no lo reconoce y no me permite reiniciar en modo recovery

    1. cursoinf1 Avatar

      ¿Alguna solución para poder iniciar en modo recovery un zopo zp980? Después de instalar los drivers de pdanet y terminar el proceso de rooteo con spflashtool, mtkdroidtools no lo reconoce y no me permite reiniciar en modo recovery

      Todo el proceso de instalación en spflashtool ha sido crrecto, hasta mostrar el circulo verde.

      1. cursoinf1 Avatar

        los driver de pdanet también se instalaron sin problemas y posteriormente fue reconocido el móvil por el pc.
        Ya no sé qué más hacer.

  21. Tristan Millette Avatar
    Tristan Millette

    On the Lenovo vibe x s960, their is no extrnel sd card…
    What can I do?

  22. Kagami Avatar

    Mtk 6572 is working?

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