Try this on your iPod – Gorilla Glass from Corning put to the test on the new JiaYu g3 w/ dual-core mt6577
Gorilla glass is the real deal as shown in this short youtube video. While fans wait in anticipation, JiaYu is hard at work getting their licensing agreements finished up with China authorities. Pass some time and watch razor blades scratch across this LCD protection seemingly to no affect. glass is the real deal as shown in this short youtube video. While fans wait in anticipation, JiaYu is hard at work getting their licensing agreements finished up with China authorities. Pass some time and watch razor blades scratch across this LCD protection seemingly to no affect. Parsons [email protected]AdministratorHi, I'm Damian Parsons. I've been working with Android phones since the first Droid came out. I'm fascinated by computers and technology. My first BBS were ran on an old Apple IIc and Commodore 64. I work hard to bring the latest updates to you every day - without all the boring fluff. Please subscribe to keep up on the newest China tech. See our forum -> www.chinaphonearena.comGizBeat
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