Auto Root MTK6592 MTK6582 MTK6572 MTK6589!

root_mtk6589_mediatekThere are several auto-root tools that work with older MTK devices and older versions of Android, but up until a couple days ago, there was no Auto-Root option for MTK6589 and the newer android versions (4.1/4.2)

So far this has been tested with Hero H7500+ / ZP810 / ZP800H, Star N9500. We invite you to test this on unrooted ROMs on your device and add your results here and to the thread in the forum for future users.

NOTE: We now have an updated thread on how to create TWRP custom recovery for the newer SoC China phones such as MT6735 MT6753, MT6755. This method does not require root. Please see the thread linked here. If you’ve got an older phone with MT65xx type SoC, you can continue on with this tutorial.

The files you’ll need:

What to do:

  1. Make sure USB debugging is enabled. Go to settings > developer options > enable USB debugging
  2. Install the PDAnet Drivers
  3. Extract the MTK6589 Auto Root folder from the .rar download
  4. Connect your phone to PC visa USB
  5. Run run.bat from the extracted MTK6589 Auto Root folder
  6. Press any key and wait while it roots your phone
  7. After finished, now reboot
  8. Bam, you’re rooted. Verify root with a ‘Root Checker’ app from Play, or run any app you know requires root and you should see a root permissions request

Please come on by and join in.

Successfully Rooted So Far:

  • Root Cubot A890 MTK6589
  • Root HDC SGS4 GT-H9500
  • Root Gionee Dream D1
  • Root Zopo ZP800H / ZP810 / Hero 7500+
  • Root THL W7+
  • Root MIZ Z5
  • Root N9389 / HDC Galaxy S3 Legend
  • Root Amoi N828
  • Root Newman K1
  • Root Pulid S5
  • Root KVD Apollo One
  • Root THL W100

Didn’t work for you? Try this Tutorial or Try our other root tools.



81 responses to “Auto Root MTK6592 MTK6582 MTK6572 MTK6589!”

  1. pk76 Avatar

    Tronsmart TS4 success! Thanks.

  2. Nick Jones Avatar
    Nick Jones

    this worked great on my cubot a890! (I used my own pre installed adb drivers)
    but the batch file worked great!
    I never rooted my phone so easy thanks!

  3. alejolecter Avatar

    Works on THL W7+ Quad Core 4gb Version!

  4. amit Avatar

    rooted my ginee dream d1 successfully.

    1. aaqil Avatar

      My gionee dosnt get rooted ..

      while running Run.bat file ..

      it show target file not found

  5. gonlomas Avatar

    Rooted my Star (Ulefone) N9389 (also called HDC Galaxy S3 Legend) sucessfully!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH :D

  6. Orula Avatar

    Will this work to root the S4 MTK6589 H9500? Excuse my ignorance, will appreciate the help.

  7. iNDRA87 Avatar

    Caesar h7500+.. Thanks for the auto root, it saves me from headaches.. :D

  8. uitgeleend Avatar

    Another successfully rooted ThL W7+ Quad Core 4GB! I ran the .bat file a few times incorrectly, didn’t do anything. I then opened a command line as administrator and ran it, but the phone wasn’t recognized correctly. Again, nothing bad happened. Type “adb devices” in the extracted folder to see what devices are recognized and connected. After I verified that my phone was connected properly, I ran the .bat file and was rooted in a few seconds. Excellent!

  9. andrea italy Avatar
    andrea italy

    Airphone 5S ntk 6589 doesn’t work.

  10. Paaaapryka Avatar

    Star N9389 succesfully rooted ;)

  11. daolpu Avatar

    What that excatly does? Does it just root it, and doesn’t change anything like Recovery or else? And how can I unroot it? Is there root method, that you just copy zip file to sd card and then install it from stock recovery “apply zip update” or something like that (that way I rooted my Samsung Galaxy Ace)? Thanks!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      It just roots your phone. It doesn’t install a recovery. As to rooting your phone a different way, well that would depend on what phone you have.

      1. daolpu Avatar

        Thanks. If I root it, how can I unroot it?

  12. Bayo Avatar

    Also works for AMOI N828, thanks!

    1. sal Avatar

      so after rooting amoi n828, feel any difference in performance, i mean the fone is already fast and good, no?

  13. glogi Avatar

    F600 …HDC Storm MX-MTK6589 Quad Core 1.2GHz 4.7inch QHD display Android 4.1.2


  14. jaklac Avatar

    THL W100 works.Thanks!

  15. Jan Avatar

    It works on my KVD Apollo One k6589. Now i would like to have clockworkmod to backup a recovery.
    Can anyone help me get a good version of CWM for my phone running android 4.2.1?

  16. Christian Avatar

    Pulid S5 (Butterfly) – perfectly. Ran batch, and that’s it.

  17. glogi Avatar

    Newman K1 is root :)

  18. J. H. Avatar
    J. H.

    This worked like a charm on my Alps H9500 a.k.a Feiteng H9500

  19. spark2008 Avatar

    Gionee p2 a MT6572 device is rooted !!! :-)

  20. Shlomo Avatar

    Does it works for the Feiteng H9500?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      It should work for Feiteng H9500. There are 7 different root methods on the forum. One of them will work for sure.

  21. petz76 Avatar

    Not worked for me! Daxian XY100 ! :(
    Help pls..

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Try . There are many methods posted there for rooting.

  22. Gary Avatar

    I rooted my THL W8 – I did have to connect my phone (with USB) only after I had run the Bat file to get it to work though. Just one question – what was the point of rooting it, I can’t see any difference anywhere. What can I do now thaat I couldn’t do before?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi Gary. You can now access your system partition. It allows you to do many things. Such as backup and restore your data with Titanium. Change your boot logo. Install CWM custom recovery. These are just a few examples.

  23. kyaw Avatar

    It is work for H9500+

  24. HappyUser Avatar

    Succesfully rooted Star S5 MTK6589T 1.5Ghz 2GB Ram with this guide, needed to try 2 times though for some reason…
    I just can’t seem to use PDAnet to browse my files and copy stuff to my phone, Windows 8.1 see and identify my phone as s5, but the drives (in my case M: and O:) are not browseable, it just tells me to insert a disk…???

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello HappyUser, You don’t need to use PDANet to browse your files. You should be able to use Windows 8.1 Explorer to browse. Please post on the forum, we’ll tell you what you need to do.

  25. Marko Avatar

    If I root it I loose the warranty. How to unroot it if something happens?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      You can unroot with SuperUser or SuperSU.

  26. Marko Avatar

    … my Tronsmart TS4. Sorry

  27. Heru Avatar

    can you help me
    please tell me how ca i flash my lenovo a369i
    it went bootloop when i tried to change the font
    sorry for bad english

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      You can try a factory reset. If it doesn’t work, then you’ll need to flash new firmware onto your phone.

  28. Chris Avatar

    plz help me i ve elephone p6 2/32 with mtk6589t and i cant root it…i have tested every root tool i found and still nothing

  29. Juliana Avatar

    After a lot of headache I finally got my phone rooted. Really thanks!!!

    Worked on Alps N9200 with JB 4.2.9

  30. Ashan1207 Avatar

    I have a smart phone samsung galaxy S4 master copy. My phone requirement was
    Processor: mediaTek mt6575 @ 1.3 GHz Quad Core , Mali 400 @ 500MHz
    Memory: 1 GB RAM and 4 GB Storage, TF Card support up to 32 GB
    Operating System: Android 4.1.1 Jellybean with Multilingual Support
    Display: 5.0 inch IPS 960 x 540 pixel, multitouch, 16 million colors
    Camera: 8.0 MP Rear and 2 MP Front Camera
    2G NETWORK SUPPORT: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
    Other Features: Wifi 802.11 b/g, Gesture Support, Bluetooth 2.1 with EDR, Micro USB 2.0, GPS and A-GPS Support, Dual Sim and Dual Standby (Normal and Micro Sim)
    Battery: Li-on 2800mAh Battery
    When I tried to change my android version I failed. Now SP tools said my phone miss SD_EMMC_NOT_FOUND(3144)…. My phone dead last 30th December 2013. I try many times to find correct firmware but I failed. If you have right rom plz help me and shear the link for free download…

  31. daniclemente Avatar

    No.1 S6 rooted succesfully

  32. mohit Avatar

    i have gionee g3 is it possible to root my phone ..if yes then what is the way to root it. pls help me how can i root it

  33. Asi Avatar

    its work intex aqua i4+ ?? chipset mtk6572
    please help

  34. ahmed Avatar

    good job

  35. ahmed Avatar

    i hope to works for me N9000 hdc

  36. Martin Avatar

    Hi, its worked for me KVD Apollo One 4.2.1

  37. Jasz Avatar

    Hi! My phone is samsung s5 korea clone running on 4.4 version. Will this work in my phone?

    1. an Avatar

      s5 clone is cheap broken

      1. Damian Parsons Avatar
        Damian Parsons

        Yes. I would not recommend buying clone phones. Buy the real thing, or buy a well reviewed phone model.

  38. AE Mobile Avatar
    AE Mobile

    Thank you

  39. Lucas Avatar

    HI, i have the Flying S5 (h900) smartphone… on version 4.4.2 kitkat. Is this work the root?

  40. PaulSK Avatar

    Thanks a lot!
    It works even on my HDC Galaxys S4 Legend- Universal5410 1.6GHz – GT-I9500

  41. sadegh Avatar

    THL T200C
    android 4.2.2 not rooted !

  42. Francesco Avatar

    Don’t work on Star G9000 MTK6592 android 4.4.2, daemon started, device found but exploit failure.
    I have tried also after reboot smartphone and pc, anyone get root successfully with this device?

  43. Newby Avatar

    Didn´t work with my HDC S4 G9000 MTK6592

  44. miroo Avatar

    i have a problème with my cubot s222 the internal memory is only 1go but the phone has 16 go of rom can some one help me to solve this problem

  45. Usama Tariq Avatar
    Usama Tariq

    Thanks Successfully Rooted Samsung Galaxy s4 gt-i9500 MT6582 Korea Clone :)

  46. NP Sharma Avatar
    NP Sharma

    I purchased a China-clone Samsung S5 phone. The details are: BB Chip: MT 6572, MS Board: GT 19600, Serial Number: 123456789abcdef, Modem Version: Moly WR8,W131 5 MD.WG.V2 2013/02/13 16:08, Build Number: JDQ39.19600ZSUAMDF, Build Time: 2014 09 09 10:06 C ST, Kernel Version: 3.4.5(Linux CXz Server), Android Version: 4.2.2, SW Version: ALPS.JB3,MP.V 1.2 and Custom Build Version: Galaxy.201409 09 A9 FM. V019.
    The IMEI 1 and 2 numbers and Barcodes are Unknown.
    When the phone is switched ON, it states that the IMEI is Invalid, MMI code nill and unable to connect to any network. Hence unable to operate the phone. I inserted the Simm card and it sees the simm but I cannot connect to the mobile network and operate the phone. Please advise what I need to do to make this phone work.Thanks.

    1. NP Sharma Avatar
      NP Sharma

      Dear Damian, Any advise what I need to do to fix my problem. Thanks, NP Sharma

      1. Damian Parsons Avatar
        Damian Parsons

        Hi Sharma, you likely need to restore IMEI or restore NVRAM. You can see this post. Or this on YouTube. Or see the tutorial section at

        1. NP Sharma Avatar
          NP Sharma

          Hi Damian, I have managed to insert the IMEI numbers and I think have rooted the phone. I can now use the local Singapore SIM card and use the mobile phone, but it’s very very slow. Is there anything that I am missing . Your kind advise and assistance greatly appreciated. Rgds, Sharma

  47. bellsprout Avatar

    I am rooted! thanks man!, Worked like a charm on my iPhone 6 clone MTK6572 running KitKat 4.4.2 (at least it claimed to be..)

  48. lindsay Avatar

    What do i need to do to upload pictures from my new star note 3+ phone (MTK6592)? Can i download a driver and where do i get it from? Can i use samsung driver for my carrier?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Sorry Lindsay, what do you mean “upload pictures”? Can you explain exactly what you’re trying to do?

  49. lindsay Avatar

    Wow! Quick response! I can’t put the pictures I have taken on the Star Note3+ phone onto my comuter, a Windows 7 64 bit OS. Windows says I need a driver for the new phone. But I don’t know where to find one, other than a Samsung driver, and then I don’t know which one to choose because it is a Star phone.

    Thanks for your quick response! That was awesome.


    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      When you plug your phone to the computer with USB, pull the notification area down on your phone and you should see some options there asking you about connecting to PC. Do you see those?

  50. lindsay Avatar

    Thank you very much. It seems I am a bit technologically impaired, compared to most. When I couldn’t find other complaining about this issue on-line, I knew it something ridiculously simple. You indeed solved this “huge” issue for me.

    Thanks again!


    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      No problem Lindsay. It was a nice change of pace. Great if all problems could be solved so easily. Regards.

  51. nayrjohn Avatar


    the first time i used this on my android kitkat device it works. however, upon checking on Super user apps I`m having an error of “There is no SU binary installed and SuperSU cannot install it.This is a problem.
    Please assist.
    thank you

  52. Stoian Avatar

    Hi,doesn’t work with my Neken N6 MTK 6589T!!!
    Any help,please?

  53. rommy Avatar

    how to know the mtk # of galaxy s5 copy??

  54. douglas Avatar

    por favor vc sabe resolver problema s4 mtk6589 so rede gsm nao conecta 3g de jeito nenhum ja tentei de tudo………….

  55. Paolo65 Avatar

    How to root IOCEAN X8 wiht 4.4 android?

  56. Rocky Avatar

    Hey buddy i start the program and it stacked at deamon start successfully.. how much long i have to gonna wait..?

  57. remus Avatar

    nothing,and i mean NOTHING works on utok 500d with android 4.4.2 with mt6572……some ideas anyone?

  58. F3zza Avatar

    Failed to Root Elephone G7.
    Waiting for device, Daemon not running.
    Starting it now on Port 5037
    Daemon started successfully

    And than nothing. The cursor just hangs and has been hanging for about 40 minutes.

  59. Jehanzeb Avatar

    I have gt-9500 clone with board mtk6589_e_lca does it support 3g network

  60. pozzdonnz Avatar

    it possible to get more stroage on my iphone 6 plus china clone now i install just 16 apps almost full cant install anyapps anymore so after follow your step will get bigger internal stroge Help mt6582

  61. RemusNL Avatar

    This didn’t work on my MPIE 707 (MKT6582), however….. I did click the ‘try this tutorial’ link on the bottom of the post and installed RootGenius Shuame and this worked!!

    I got a bit nervous, because the tool has some Chinese language fields during rooting. Just click on, and eventually you’ll see an English message that your Phone is rooted!

    Thanks alot, greetings from The Netherlands.

  62. mr.e2n Avatar

    work on samsung galaxy s5 copy mt6589 but SU binary update failed… how to solve?? thanks.

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