New MTK6589T vs MTK6589 vs MTK6589M!

mtk6589t-vs-mtk6589-vs-mtk6589m-mediatekMTK hits us with another whammy as they introduce the MTK6589T. This new SoC will ramp the CPU from 1.2GHz to 1.5GHz and the GPU from 286 to 357.

While the CPU increase is nice, what’s really interesting about the MTK6589T is the GPU increase of 30%. As it is, the GPU in the standard MTK6589 can handle all current 3D games.  The 30% will give a little extra oomph in 720p devices that include it and FPS some while most importantly helping the new 1080p LCD phones hold their own a bit better.

Several of the new MTK6589 phones coming out will reportedly sport the MTK6589T. The Mlais MX58, Umi X2 and THL W8+ will likely have it, and the Neo N003 is rumored to have it.

As 1080p is double the pixels compared to 720p, a 30% in the GPU with the MTK6589T might not bring gaming quite up to 720p MTK6589 FPS, it will at least help a bit and we can take this as excellent news for anyone considering one of the aforementioned China mobiles.

For the even more budget minded consumer, MediaTek will be releasing the MTK6589M as well. The MTK6589M contains a significantly reduced SGX544 GPU and reduced MP support for cameras from 13mp down to 8mp. The SGX544 MHz will be ramped down to 156Mhz from 286 in the standard MTK6589. Gizbeat recommends gamers stay away from this one in 720p devices, though units with 960*540 LCDs should be fine. This will be a great budget option for those not wanting an HD LCD.

Also keep in mind the MTK6589T isn’t expected to be released in most phones until mid-June at the earliest.


7 responses to “New MTK6589T vs MTK6589 vs MTK6589M!”

  1. Dimitris Avatar

    Just a clarification 1080p is 4 times the pixels of 720p but still not all games are limited by the filll rate and many are polygon rate limited so while in some games the FPS will drop hard going to 1080p those that were polygon rate limited will work just as fine.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      No Dimitris, 1080p is 2x. 720p is approximately 1 million pixels. 1080p is approximately 2 million.

      Also, ANYTIME you’re moving more pixels, it will require more power to keep the same rates. Especially if it’s a 3D game. Whether it be polygon or not. Obviously if it’s a simple game that doesn’t require a lot of juice, you won’t see a difference.

  2. vtdone Avatar

    What app can I use to show that the CPU is a T variant instead of the stock standard or even an M? Thx.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Last I knew, most apps weren’t showing the difference. To tell the difference between T and standard is easier, as you can just look at clock speed. But the difference between M and standard will be more difficult to deduce. The different CPUs have different ‘revision’ numbers. Example, my standard MTK6589 shows as ARMv7 Processor rev2 (v7l). But I don’t currently have the chart as to which Rev applies to which CPU.

  3. Doron Avatar

    I have the tronsmart TS7 (very simiar to the Cubot one) with the MTK6589T but it runs till 1.2Mhz only. the data is according to Antutu.
    can I use over clocking or it just a change in the name that is fulls the Antutu?
    is there another way to test which one I have

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      This is quite strange. There is no MTK6589T that I know of that runs at 1.2GHz. This information can be easily spoofed in the firmware. Install ADB drivers and run MTK Droid tools and it should tell you whether the info is spoofed or not. You can get these downloads at chinaphonearena. Just ask in the forum if you need further help.

  4. Irish Avatar

    Asphalt 8 and Real racing 3 lag
    on 1080p devices running MTK6589T
    Is there any solution to it?

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