First 720p MTK6589T Bluebo B6000!

bluebo-b6000-mtk6589tUnless one slipped under Gizbeat’s nose, this is the the first 720p MTK6589T phone to be released. What’s that mean? Most users won’t notice a difference unless they game In fact, the average user who doesn’t game may not even notice a difference between MTK6575 and MTK6589T. However, for those of you who are gamers, this may be a great option. The MTK6589T has ramped CPU and GPU compared to standard MTK6589 and a 720p LCD which means half the pixels of the 1080p offerings, so you should see significantly better frame rates with taxing 3D games.

The Bluebo B6000 has a 5.8″ LCD, which depending on your tastes could be great, or could be a negative. Great for gaming, but maybe not so conducive to carrying around in your pocket.

An added bonus is the 8GB internal storage and 850MHz WCDMA which will allow SOME Americans on AT&T or AT&T MVNOs to have 3G.


4 responses to “First 720p MTK6589T Bluebo B6000!”

  1. mik Avatar

    Actually HDC was the first company to release a mtk6589t phone HDC B6000 with the same specs. Then Star B6000 also cam out before Bluebo!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      The HDC B6000 is only sold by ONE shop. Fastcardtech, so I hesitate to count that as reality. They like to call everything they sell HDC.

  2. Viza Avatar

    Now, if someone would make the same phone with a more sensible size (4.0”-4.3”) and 2G of RAM… I would even buy it. :)

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      I agree. 4″ is too small, but 4.3″-4.7″ is the sweet spot. It’s really too bad most of the MTK6589T phones are jumping on the 5″ bandwagon. The only real option is JiaYu G4, but it doesn’t have 850MHz, so it’s kicked out of the running.

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