THL W8 Review S/Plus/Youth/Beyond!
Excerpt: The THL W8 isn’t the slickest looker on the block. In fact, you might go ahead and call it downright frumpy with it’s rounded corners, rounded back and not so slim profile. Nevertheless, THL is one of the ‘old’ players in the China phone game, and you can be fairly sure you’ll get a well built product.
To see the full preview and add or see user reviews, learn more about the THL W8 and see more pics, or compare the THL W8 to other China phone models side by side, please see these links from Phone ReviewsTHL ReviewExcerpt: The THL W8 isn't the slickest looker on the block. In fact, you might go ahead and call it downright frumpy with it's rounded corners, rounded back and not so slim profile. Nevertheless, THL is one of the 'old' players in the China phone game, and you can...Damian Parsons [email protected]AdministratorHi, I'm Damian Parsons. I've been working with Android phones since the first Droid came out. I'm fascinated by computers and technology. My first BBS were ran on an old Apple IIc and Commodore 64. I work hard to bring the latest updates to you every day - without all the boring fluff. Please subscribe to keep up on the newest China tech. See our forum -> www.chinaphonearena.comGizBeat
There’s also a Thl Monkey king with similar appearance to IOcean X7, FHD, MTK T, 1GB 16GB and both a back and *frontal* camera that is advertised to be 13MP (lol).