Zopo ZP998 Officially Released Today! ZP998 Antutu Score!

zp998-mtk6592Zopo ZP998 official release party was held today. It’s still not listed for sale so it’s very difficult to call the phone ‘released’.

It’s actually quite surprising this release party has been held, because it’s not even for presale at any Aliexpress shop. Still, it’s good news and means the first MT6592 phones are well on their way. We should see the first models hit within the next couple weeks.

What we do know is that the benchmarks touted by MediaTek are true to what they showed in Shenzhen yesterday. The 1.7GHz Zopo ZP998 scored an excellent 28,118. An amazing accomplishment seeing that the last generation (MTK6589T) scored in the 15,000 range. This means they’ve nearly doubled the power within 1 year. In fact, the 2.0GHz MTK6592 scores 30,000 on Antutu so it’s literally double. Will we se 60,000 on Antutu in 2014?

As I posted yesterday, the MT6592 Zopo ZP998 is the phone to look hard at, if you’re in the market for a new phone in the near future and can afford the $300 price tag. The actual specs have it sporting a 5.5″ LCD and I’m somewhat disappointed they didn’t make this a 5.0″ model, but I’m not surprised, as the trend seems to be towards phones getting bigger and bigger.


5 responses to “Zopo ZP998 Officially Released Today! ZP998 Antutu Score!”

  1. Rdmkr Avatar

    I think the real world performance will disappoint a lot because multi-threaded throughput is not a bottleneck in most practical situations, especially considering most programmers won’t take the pains of splitting up programs into up to 8 threads. Cortex A7 is a very weak architecture even at 1.7Ghz.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      I appreciate your comment Rdmkr, however, 30k on Antutu is anything but weak. The 2.0GHz model bests the Snapdragon 800 at Quadrant, so let’s go ahead and call the Snapdragon 800 very weak as well. What are you doing with your phone that requires juice beyond what the MTK6592 SoC provides? I hope you’re not editing 4k video on your phone. I would have loved to have seen big.LITTLE in MT6592, but they didn’t go with it unfortunately. Regarding threading processes, Android is extremely adept at utilizing available cores.

  2. Rdmkr Avatar

    Well I said the micro-architecture is weak, not the scores as a whole. But those scores are based on a very artificial test where the app fills up each core with calculations every time they are idle and rewards them for performing them in the final accounting. No real world scenario is going to be that generous.

  3. john Avatar

    key questions are –

    battery performance can last one day of heavy usage?
    gps with glonass support ?
    wifi reception strength ?

  4. Peter Avatar

    1.7ghz , 2gb ram is good enough especially 14mp rear camera and 32gb memory ,many many good and useful function and the price is really attractive just $299 with free shipping, forget about iphone and samsung ,if After I got this zp998 if I drop it on a floor or scratch it by accidently, I won’t be heart breaking, becoz only $299 . Strongly support this Zopo zp998

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