A couple days ago we posted our first photo war between these three phones. We’ve taken a few new pics. This time of a very nice scene including some buffaloes and mountains. I told them to stay still, but they refused to listen. All of the shot have been hit with a Picasa auto-contrast. Other than that they were unedited.
The H9008 shows some disappointing corner darkening, but important to note – prior to the Picasa auto contrast, the corner darkening was barely discernible. Also, this will only be visible in some certain circumstances, otherwise it produces very nice shots.

The zp980+ and H9008 shots are more realistic, but the iNew v3 produces very pleasing ‘popping’ out of the camera results, which are likely the result of firmware processing.
If you view the photos at 1:1, the H9008 and zp980+ clearly have the iNew v3 beat in regards to detail captured. It’s important to remember though, that if you’re posting on Facebook, in emails, or the pics are for viewing on the computer screen and you’re not cropping too much, which we’d guess is 95% of the scenerios out there, the difference in detail captured will be difficult, if not impossible to tell.
Here’s some shots of a homemade fish bowl.

Once again some decent results from all 3 cameras. Which do you think took the best shot here?
You can download these pics at 4mp resolution .zip from this thread.
See the first photo war between these three phones.
– These phones were purchased from 1949deal.com. Coupon code is 1949dealzopo98o, and 1949dealh9008
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