H9008 vs Zopo ZP980+ vs iNew v3 Review Night Pictures!
We’ve posted a couple of threads recently comparing daytime shots from the H9008, Zopo ZP980+ and iNew V3. There have been some requests for night time shots, and so we decided to oblige.
All of these photos were taken on the standard photo setting (not scene mode) within stock Android camera. They have not been edited at all except to be resized on export. No contrast or color enhancements have been added.
As expected, none of these phones will win be any awards for their night shots, but they’re not all that bad. Fine for photo sharing through email and social networks, and not much worse than what comes out of a typical point and shoot. Also remember these have not been edited at all and have been reduced. Sometimes when reducing images down from original size, artifacting can become more prevalent. The full pictures at 6mp are available to download here.
https://gizbeat.com/3391/h9008-vs-zopo-zp980-vs-inew-v3-review-night-pictures/https://gizbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/600_zp980+_3-450x276.jpghttps://gizbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/600_zp980+_3-150x150.jpgChina phone reviewiNewReviewsZopopictures,review,v3,zopo,zp980We've posted a couple of threads recently comparing daytime shots from the H9008, Zopo ZP980+ and iNew V3. There have been some requests for night time shots, and so we decided to oblige. All of these photos were taken on the standard photo setting (not scene mode) within stock Android...Damian Parsonshttps://plus.google.com/107879368390224447304 [email protected]AdministratorHi, I'm Damian Parsons. I've been working with Android phones since the first Droid came out. I'm fascinated by computers and technology. My first BBS were ran on an old Apple IIc and Commodore 64. I work hard to bring the latest updates to you every day - without all the boring fluff. Please subscribe to keep up on the newest China tech. See our forum -> www.chinaphonearena.comGizBeat
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