THL T11 Review Specifications!

thl-t11-mtk6592THL has put out a couple of great phones with the THL W200S and the THL T200C, but excellence may be right around the corner with the THL T11. The THL T11 is about as square as square gets, has 2GB RAM, 16GB storage, 2750mA battery and 720p. Let’s get in depth.


Awesome that 2014 isn’t 2013 in the looks departments. Many China brand phones in 2013 followed suit by copying the feminine, rounded corners of the Samsung S3 and Note 2. In 2014, Samsung squared things up a bit and the China brands have gotten right in line.

The THL T11 takes it a step further by making their recent flagship models truly square. The THL T11 appears to have a very similar if not the same chassis as the THL T100S (Iron Man / Monkey King 2).

RAM & Storage

Whereas 2GB in 2013 was infrequently implemented in 2013, 2GB is becoming much more common in 2014. The THL T11 has 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. Some may wonder where the other 16GB went. Why not make it 32GB. Given that the phone can accept addon SD storage, 16GB+SD is generous and should be plenty enough even for power users.

Frequency Support

Current news is that the THL T11 will have 850/1900/2100MHz WCDMA. If it turns out to be true, this phone will be compatible with 3G nearly worldwide. Most places in Europe and Asia have 2100MHz support, and in America  most 3G is currently on 850 and 1900. Very much looking forward to seeing if the current buzz turns to fact.

Resolution & LCD

The T11 is 720p, which in our opinion is plenty for a 5.0″ screen. It’s not retina, but it’s only one step behind and in many cases the difference between 720p and 1080p are impossible to tell. The price difference, performance gain and battery saving benefits of 720p over 1080p are well worth the negligible difference in smoothness between the two on a 5.0″ LCD. We really have to hand it to THL for not falling in with the pack and making this phone 1080p.


Currently shops are listing this phone as having a 2750mA battery. One of the downsides of the MT6592 SoC this season has been the poor battery life in many of their released models. If the battery size ends up as reported, combined with the 720p LCD, this should add up to excellent battery life and will add a huge plus to the already long list of positives for the THL T11.

Special features

The THL T11 has been listed on many sites as having Gorilla Glass, NFC and OTG. Given that most even half-way decent phones in 2014 have been released with OTG, we’re assuming the THL T11 will at least have OTG.

We must take a minute to send THL a bit of a spank in the rump for not being better at listing all upcoming and currently released phones properly on their official site. The China brand market has come a long way over the last couple years, but have a ways to go to really reach acceptable standards in many areas. Having properly listed specs is a bare minimum and would take an intern 10 minutes per phone to whip up, but THL seems can’t be bothered with it. Shame on you THL.

THL T11 review specification verdict

We’ve recently had the H9008 with quad-band WCDMA, but the THL T11 may be the first China brand 5.0″ with 1900. This is a huge step forward if more China phones can begin to include 1900. It isn’t set in stone yet, but we’re hoping the current buzz turns out to be solid info.

The huge (for a 5.0″) 2750mA battery, if it turns out to be true, is a giant plus for this phone. Add on 720p LCD instead of 1080p which gives price and battery savings, and performance gain is another big plus.

The awesome looks and sub-$250 price tag are just icing on the cake for the THL T11. Are you excited yet? This phone has us all giddy and is one of the few models we can’t wait to get our hands on. We should have an unboxing of this phone coming up shortly. Hopefully we’ll be able to prove the 1900MHz and battery size to be true.

Further reading:


12 responses to “THL T11 Review Specifications!”

  1. Twotems Avatar

    My Lenovo Vibe Z has pendruple (5) band wcdma and it’s Chinese. So the thl won’t be the first. Maybe the first mtk?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Vibe Z is 5.5″. Not 5.0. There are actually some 5.0″ MTK with pentaband WCDMA. Made by Blulife, but that is an American brand. Also iNew claims to have some 1900 versions of their phones but we have yet to see it proven.

  2. Twotems Avatar

    Thanks Damian. Just saw you were referring to 5.0″ phones. My focus is purely on dual sim pentaband or similar and the best specs I can find since I travel alot between Europe, Middle East, Africa and the US. This Lenovo is incredible for the price. I really wanted the THL W100S but the puny batttery and limited wcdma killed it for me. This new one sounds like a winner though. Meanwhile I’ll be keeping my Vibe Z. No sd card but 30gb of Google drive (from my two accounts) deals with that.

  3. Twotems Avatar

    One more issue I have is the awful gps on mtk phones. I have a jiayu g5 that is absolutely superb (incredible battery life too with the 3000mah option) but the gps sucks and I’m sitting here waiting for a new external speaker repair kit. I’m a convert to Chinese phones but I’ll stick with a solid brand like Lenovo for now.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      GPS in MT6582 and MT6592 phones we’ve tested have all been nearly flawless out of the box.

  4. amir Avatar

    dear damian
    when you leave a new review from thl t11 after use that?
    i decide to buy a smartphone , inew v3 or thl t11 ?
    can u help me?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      The phone was just received. We’ll have the unboxing video up in a couple hours, and the review video up within 48 hours. The written THL T11 review will be up within the next three days. Maybe much sooner depending on free time.

      As to which one to buy – these two phones are in different price ranges. For $170-$180, the iNew v3 is a very good choice. We should know whether the THL T11 is worth the extra $50 within the next couple days.

  5. Greg Zeng Avatar
    Greg Zeng

    Sounds like an improvement in specs over my THLw200s: bigger battery, NFC, G4, etc. added. I assume also: OTA (weekly if wished) NeedRom 3rd-party updates, GorillaGlass3, 13 mPixel cameras front & back, both cameras having full-macro autofocus. My w200s has its memory as 2GB + 22 GB, with is better IMHO than the usual 2GB + 32GB.

    I miss the brandname abilities of corded or cordless screen display on an external monitor. Perhaps the Google Playstore or such, might have a 3rd party software product that can do this?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Though the camera allows for setting up to 13mp, I’m not sure it’s a true 13mp. The front cam allows 13mp setting too, but again, doubting it. It actually says 8mp on the back case for rear camera.

      The interesting thing is that the THL T11 does allow for auto-focus and selectable ISO, which is a nice step up from your standard China phone front cam.

      The THL W200S is reported as having Gorilla Glass III by official THL site.

      As far as I can see, there’s no OTA update option in the THL T11 firmware.

      As far as we knew, the 2GB version hadn’t been released. I suppose it’s possible there was some early leakage, though I haven’t been following that situation closely.

      Regarding storage, that is 32GB. 22GB ends up being phone storage with about 6gb as internal memory.

      Your W200S should have Wireless Display capability if you’ve got a smart TV that can handle it.

  6. Profesor Yeow Avatar

    Interesting.. I was thinking buy it, and the 3G is a very important point…. thanks for the information

  7. Subomi Avatar

    Does the the t11 have a solid strong screen and will it work in Ireland with eircom

  8. Mike Gordon Avatar
    Mike Gordon

    I got the t11 just after new year and so far so good! Though the free back covers are nonsense!
    That a side I agree it does look and feel awesome it kind of reminds me of the lumia 850! It feels high end doesn’t feel anyway cheep though I’m still a little wary having bad luck with Chinese phones in the past that’s only to be expected! Though the 2year warranty does give some piece of mind! All be it sent buy email but still legal binding none the less!! Oh! And my phone came with the kit kat upgrade though not overly impressed about that seems more of a fashion statement than anything as far as I’m concerned!!

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