In April, TCL released quite a few LTE 4G phones – S838M, S830U, J730U and J938M to name a few. 4G already approved and licensed in China, TCL could wait no longer and used Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 400 in all of them.
Now that MediaTek’s 4G chips are finally at the bulk production stage, we should start to see them in in devices available to us in Q3.
Though it is excellent news regarding their release, the big news is not that 4G chips are ready. It’s that as we have previously reported, they will be compatible with MT6592 & MT6582. That it’s now been confirmed by TCL at Mobile Asia Expo in China is huge news.
TCL will release several MT6582 & MTK6592 LTE 4G phones, the reported models are H900M, P728M, P331M, P301M and P510M.
The P728M will be similar in design to the currently released S720/S725 with a thickness of 7.95mm and a giant 3300mA battery. The P728M will be equipped with a MT6592M 1.4GHz SoC and integrated LTE 4G modem, which will support TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/GSM. It’s reported that the P728M will be released with KitKat 4.4.2 and 5.5@720p LCD.
The beauty of MT6582 & MT6592 being able to use the MTK LTE 4G modem is that manufacturers will “overnight” be able to mod their current offerings with baseband and drivers from MediaTek and with a physical swap of the RF chip.
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