Sony Xperia Sola phone can be used without touching the screen
The new Sony Xperia Sola has the tech to be used with your finger floating above the LCD as opposed to actually touching it. There is a demo below. For the most part, this seems like silly technology. I, for one, like the feel of my finger gliding over the glass.
Though, let’s take a closer look… From this video (below), it doesn’t look nearly sensitive or quick enough, but if the technology were to improve, I could envision it being used with gaming. For example, using a single finger to move you forward and backward in your games. Push your finger closer and your avatar moves forward, push it even closer and he begins to run. Pull it back and he slows…even further back and he stops or goes in reverse. I think a pretty slick idea….
Or, what if we were to combine this sense technology with hologram tech a la Tony Stark? Now that might be some Ultimate Gizmo style.
But, for now this looks a bit gimmicky. Maybe high on the Ultimate Gizmo chart regarding tech, but not much actual real world use unless it gets more sensitive and adapted to gaming.
What else might we accomplish with touchless sense tech? new Sony Xperia Sola has the tech to be used with your finger floating above the LCD as opposed to actually touching it. There is a demo below. For the most part, this seems like silly technology. I, for one, like the feel of my finger gliding over...Gizbeat [email protected]UserGizBeat
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