THL 4000 Review – MT6582M 4.7″ 540p Sub-$100 Phone Done Right

A couple of months ago I reviewed the THL 5000 and was left very unimpressed. Among other more minor issues,  the screen came set crooked.

THL now has an opportunity to redeem themselves with the THL 4000.

For the price of the phone at the time, it was impossible to recommend. Since then they may have come with updates to address these issues, but it’s not possible to fix a crooked display with a software update. This was likely a rare issue, but it was still disturbing to see this make it through QC, and especially from such a fairly esteemed name in China brand phones.

For a limited time with coupon code “4000LM”, the THL 4000 now available for only $84.99 from

THL now has an opportunity to redeem themselves with the THL 4000.

THL review design style

You wouldn’t use words such as “slick” or “modern” to describe the THL 4000

There’s no getting around this, the THL 4000 is a fat phone. You wouldn’t use words such as “slick” or “modern” to describe the looks — not so much because of the style but simply because it looks so… chubby.

The battery is a monster, and judging from my battery tests and it’s size, is a true 4000mA. It makes standard 2000mA batteries look like wafers in comparison.thl-4000-review-IMG_1992

The phone isn’t too much thicker than the iNew V8, but the fact that it’s 4.7″ makes it seem decidedly pudgy.

We won’t blame him, as it really is a very impressive job.

That’s not to say there isn’t a lot to like about the THL 4000 style. The brushed silver-grey plastic that surrounds the phone looks very much like aluminum/metal. So much so, that when a very successful local iPhone app programmer held it in his hand he announced “Wow, it’s aluminum”. Upon letting him know that in fact it wasn’t, he took a very close look and wouldn’t let go of the observation until I showed him the small seem marks at the corners. We won’t blame him, as it is an impressive job by THL here.

The backpiece has a fine textured crisscross pattern similar to the MPIE G7 and Oppo Find 7.  Both the backpiece and the side borders seem very durable and resistant to scratches.

The hardcase included in in the box is opaque and matte textured, and interestingly clear at the sides where the border of the phone shows through. A thoughtful move from whoever designed the hardcase.

There is a small notification light which so far has only shown one color – red. I’m not a big fan of notification lights in general, but if it’s going to be there, I prefer it small and unobtrusive as it is on the THL 4000.

I like what THL has done here and it would be good to see other phones follow suit

The capacitive button lights are evenly lit and very dim, similar to the THL W200S button lights. I like what THL has done here and it would be good to see other phones follow suit. The capacitive button lights simply don’t need to be bright if there’s enough light to see the icons, and if it’s dark enough to not be able to see them, the dimly lit buttons will easily be seen yet not ruin your adjusted vision.thl-4000-review-IMG_2000

The backpiece snaps on solid and sure and there are zero creaks or loose points. The power button and volume rocker are solid and give off tactile clicks when pressed.

THL 4000 review GPS

The GPS on the THL 4000 was above average and could be rated as very good. Making connections to satellites across the board, with many of them reaching into the 30’s and some into the 40’s. A cold lock with no internet connection took less than a minute.


THL 4000 review OS

The OS on the THL 4000 is KitKat 4.4.2. This is fairly standard for most phones worth mentioning in this half of 2014.

I found it happening often when indoors.

In my copy of the THL 4000, the auto-brightness is somewhat wonky. Sitting in unsure indoor lighting, the phone can disturbingly fluctuate between brightness levels. This could be due to my particular lightning situation, but I found it happening often when indoors.

this is a minor issue easily overcome.

There are a couple of ways this can easily be fixed. The most obvious is, not using auto-brightness, but some will find that an unsavory option.

The way I’ve overcome it is by using Velis and setting the smoothing override to 70% (this may be different for you depending on what brightness settings you use on Velis), and changing the smoothing uptime to 10 seconds. The other way to fix the issue is to remove one of the brightness settings altogether. I’ve found the former to be fine and this is a minor issue easily overcome. You can see the settings I’ve used in the gallery below. Note this was just a quick setup and more fine tuning could be beneficial.

I can’t stress enough how minor an issue this is in the face of all that’s right with the THL 4000. The only reason I’ve spent time on it here  is to give any easy fix to those who find it to be an issue.

In my time with the phone, I found the OS to be very stable

In my time with the phone, I found the OS to be very stable. I installed the “Gizbeat suite” (standard array of popular apps + benchmarking apps) and they all performed flawlessly. There were no force closes and they all ran smoothly and without issue.

Official Google Zhuyin and Pinyin keyboards were installed and these could be considered Chinaware, but were easily uninstalled.thl-4000-review-IMG_1994

Rapid typing went off without a hitch. Typing was smooth and sure and there were no double taps required or ghost touches experienced.

For a limited time with coupon code “4000lm”, the THL 4000 now available for only $84.99 from

Worthy of note is that the THL 4000 root was a relatively simple process. Xposed and GravityBox were also easily installed and are working fine.


19 responses to “THL 4000 Review – MT6582M 4.7″ 540p Sub-$100 Phone Done Right”

  1. Oddy Avatar

    Plz can u give me a detailed tutorial on how to root this thl4000. I say “detailed” cos am kinda new to d android stuff n I don’t wanna BRICK my phone.

  2. anon Avatar

    Will you review the cubot s200?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Anon, it’s very unlikely. Look towards the more established brands when purchasing. THL, Zopo, Doogee, iNew are your best bets in the budget/mid-range.

  3. Oddy Avatar

    plz, still waiting 4d tutorial on how to root thl4000.

  4. Oddy Avatar

    Plz am I getting this tutorial from u or not???

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      There are many tutorials how to root MTK phones at Chinaphonearena. For this particular model I used this root tool.

  5. Oddy Avatar

    Bro, plz I don’t seem to understand u. Can u plz make urself clearer??

    1. Kyle Avatar

      I have succeeded in rooting the THL 4000 with a PC application called “vROOT” – now called iROOT.

  6. Kyle Avatar

    Hello Damian! Thank you for this detailed review of such a fantastic budget phone.

    What is your opinion on the importance of a screen protector for this phone? I accidentally pulled mine right off, and also ruined the extra screen protector that came with the phone, and I’m just a bit paranoid about that.

    I purchased this phone 2 days ago, and have been searching for hours and hours to find out if Xposed Framework & GravityBox will function on this particular model. I was worried about attempting it without knowing if it’ll work; even-though I’ve installed CWM and made a backup of my ROM, but then I came across your review and you had confirmed that it does indeed work with Xposed. Thank you very much for your time in doing these reviews! I have discovered much more about this phone, thanks to this review! Much appreciated!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello, thank you for your kind words. Xposed and Gravity Box work no problem for me.

      For screen protector, it will all depend on how you keep your phone. I have a good friend who doesn’t put a screen protector on his $900 iPhone 6.

    2. BlazeHN Avatar

      This phone doestn have Gorilla Glass or such kind of protection as the THL 5000 does, which means it can easily get scratched on regular use. I recomend you to get generic screen protector and cut it manually (in case you cant buy the specific one for this model).

  7. BlazeHN Avatar

    Hey Damian, thanks for the review. I have been using the THL 4000 for like 2 weeks and I think its an amazing device for the price (got it for $110 on Amazon since I dont wanted to wait from China). Everything on the phone is excelent, its hard to believe its under such low price, I also noticed the Auto Brightness is very jumpy to the point I just modify the brightness manually. The ONLY very bad thing I find about this phone is the camera flash, its a veeeery weak light with a kinda brighter point of light on the middle, its the only part of the phone that feels very low quality, but I am not sure if this only with my device or with all of them, because I saw another person saying the flash was very brigh. I use camera flash a lot as a flashlight on the darkness and this one cant even bright the path on total darkness, not even to mention the nullified use on taking pictures (even the camera itself its pretty good with autofocus). Wacha think about it?

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Blaze, the flash is about par with most phones I’ve tested. That’s to say, not great, but okay.

      Particularly with this phone the flash does seem to send a focused beam towards the middle, which is tinted blue.

      This is an $100 phone, and the camera is actually outstanding for the price. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time worrying about flash. Rather, be amazed at what you have for $100.

      Nobody should be taking serious indoor shots with a mobile anyways, no matter how good the phone is. Even expensive $800 name brand phones generally take crappy indoor flash shots. Look at the size of their flash in comparison with even the cheapest compact camera flash. They’re just too small and underpowered to get halfway decent results.
      Thanks for commenting on the review,

  8. Oddy Avatar

    Finally rooted n flashed cwm on this phone…
    Guys is there ANY font changing app that’s working flawlessly on this phone???

    1. Kyle Avatar

      ‘Xposed Framework’ and ‘Gravity Box’ will do just that. I made my battery icon a circle with the percentage icon in the middle, and a date indication next to it, and the colour is now golden; rather then dull white. I left the network signal bars orange and the WiFi blue. Its awesome.

  9. Oddy Avatar

    Do u mean I can change my phone fonts with exposed framework???

    I never knew dt oh, plz how can I do dt?

    1. Kyle Avatar

      I’m going to be blunt, but honest: no-one has the time to spoonfeed you. Since this is the internet, you’re better off searching your questions with Google, in your native language. Android is universal, not unique to this specific phone.

      The OS on this phone is Android KitKat.

  10. Oddy Avatar

    Nice on @kyle, but wouldn’t it av been better if u had used d time u used in writing all these to jst use it n answer my simple question. Though English isn’t my language, I understand d language very well.

    PS: Jst cos u r a guru on android stuffs, doesn’t mean there ain’t any novice on android stuffs.

  11. Marc Avatar

    Hi Damian,

    Thanks for the review. I have the Thl 4000 on order, but was wondering how much shutter lag, if any there is on the camera?

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