JaiYu / JiaYu G3 Screen Problems and JaiYu / JiaYu G2 Second Batch Today (Quick Post)

Reportedly there are some issues with the screen in the first batch of JaiYu / JiaYu G3, and the second batch that was due to go out in just a couple days is potentially delayed. The drama just never ends with JiaYu, does it?

The second batch of JiaYu / JaiYu G2 with updated MTK MT6577 / MTK6577 went on sale today at 10am. -END POST-


2 responses to “JaiYu / JiaYu G3 Screen Problems and JaiYu / JiaYu G2 Second Batch Today (Quick Post)”

  1. ram Avatar

    whatever drama they are making but still they provide the best specs phone for lowest price, unbeatable specs still there is no other phone with such specs.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      I agree… I really like the Gorilla Glass feature. I have a horrible habit of leaving my smartphone in my lap and then standing up. Current mobile’s screen is all cracked up in different places, from several hard drops.

      Beyond that, you know I’m one of the few who aren’t bashing JiaYu. I’ve made several posts regarding giving these guys a break. They are a relatively small outfit compared to the giants. Still, I am looking forward to the day when phones such as UMi X1 and JiaYu G3/G2 come out in weekly 50-100,000 unit batches :)

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