We just finished up some articles about MT6595 and an article about the upcoming MT6752 64-bit SoC for high-end devices. We decided it would be a good idea to talk about the difference between the two 64-bit SoCs planned by MediaTek for Q4 of 2014. (more…)
Author: Damian Parsons
64-Bit MT6732 vs 64-Bit MT6752 – What’s The Difference?
64-Bit MT6752 – The Future Of MediaTek High-End SoC!
Recently we’ve been writing about the upcoming MT6595 with LTE. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at one of the future 64-bit SoCs from MediaTek – The MTK6752. (more…)
Review iNew v3 vs Zopo ZP980+ vs Star H9008 Picture WAR!
One of the most important aspects of choosing a phone, for some people, is getting a model that takes decent shots. Today we bring you similar shots from 3 recent popular phones. The MT6582 iNew v3, the MT6592 ZP980+ and the MT6592 H9008 / Mlais MX69T Pro. (more…)
MT6592 Hero Star H9008 Review – Part 1 (GPS / LCD / WiFi / General Impressions)
Recently we received the Hero Star H9008 MT6592. We decided to review this phone because of quad-band WCDMA inclusion.
We’re surprised this gem hasn’t garnered more attention, but at least some of you out there can understand our excitement over a phone with quad-band WCDMA. I haven’t lived in America for over 7 years, but I still am giddy over this new phone released by Mlais and Hero / Star. This is truly a ‘day’ that will go down in China brand history. The first MTK China brand with quad-band WCDMA. It doesn’t hurt that the H9008 is well built and solid, with a crisp, bright LCD, very strong WiFi, and quick GPS. (more…)
What’s In A Name? Xiaomi To Change The Name Of The Hongmi!
Image By Ban We’ve written several articles regarding Xiaomi releasing ‘European’ models to cater to the Euro market. There are some false rumors going around that the Xiaomi Hongmi is coming with WCDMA frequencies that will allow it to use 3G in all countries. This is absolutely not true. The MT6582 Xiaomi Hongmi comes with 900/2100. 3G will not operate in 90% of the Americas. This means North, Central and South. The Hongmi unfortunately doesn’t have 850MHz 2G either, which further reduces its useability in the Americas. (more…)
Download Google Keyboard!
One of the most frustrating errors you can get is “item isn’t supported in your country”. Recently, Google made their excellent keyboard available on Google Play, however users in certain countries weren’t supported. That included me. So now that we’ve obtained it, we’d like to make it available to anyone who needs Google Keyboard. (more…)
MT6595 GPU – To Be Mali-T720 or PowerVR Series 6?
This week we’ve had several articles regarding the recent official news of MTK6595. I really enjoy writing about this sort of thing as opposed to the ‘by rote’ previews that many sites churn out. Of course they’re required writing for many of the popular phones, but we try to keep the fluff to a minimum here. Let’s get on with the show. (more…)
MT6595 Release Update!
A couple days has passed since we last broke the news regarding MT6595, and already we have several updates for the MTK6595 SoC.
In the comments of the previous MT6595 post, I wrote that I guessed MT6595 may come out in Q3/Q4 2014. Though initially China news touted MT6595 as coming in first half of 2014, they are now more in line with reality saying MT6595 will be released some time in Q3/Q4.
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What is big.LITTLE? MTK6595 To Use Cortex-A17 & Cortex-A7
I just finished up an article regarding what are supposed to be the official specifications of the MT6595 SoC. In that article we briefly mentioned big.LITTLE architecture.
Many of you are well aware of what big.LITTLE architecture is. But some of you may be wondering, so I decided to take a few minutes to briefly explain the concept. (more…)
Super Breaking! MT6595 To Have ARM Cortex-A17 CPU And PowerVR Series6 GPU!
“Shen Chanjuan” by, Jonathan Kos-Read Huge news today regarding mt6595. mediatek is raring to bust into 2014 in big style with mtk6595.
A few weeks ago the rumor was that MT6595 would basically be MT6592, but with MT6290 4g/lte modem. Get ready for a big switcharoo. (more…)
Magic Create Custom CWM Touch Recovery For *Most MTK Based Phones and Tablets!
One of the most asked questions on the forum is ‘how to make custom recovery / CWM for MT6575, MT6515, MT6577, MT6517, MT6589, MT6582, MT6588, MT6592, *MT6572’ (*NOT For MT6572 with UBIFS type EMMC). (more…)
New Version Of SP Flash Tools Released!
There has been another release of SP Flash Tool – SP Flash Tool v3.1344.0.212 You can find the download here.
Also, I just wanted to address some confusion. There are two different software versions of Flash Tools. One is SP Flash Tool. The other is MTK Flash Tool. Some blogs are listing things incorrectly. Whether it’s for SEO purposes, or just not knowing the difference. (more…)