NOTE: A reader wrote in with news that this JB build may not be completely stable. I followed up on the message and found that this is unfortunately indeed the case. There is some buggy behavior happening with some users who are installing this build. Keep in mind this is the first public release, so this isn’t exactly unexpected. If you still wish to give it a go, please make sure to make a NAND ROM backup with Titanium backup before you update in case you need/want to switch back. This ROM is released by Amoi. However, REMEMBER that you update at your own risk.
NOTE#2: Readers have reported back that this ROM is working fine for them, however they couldn’t find a way to root it. The root method here worked on the stock ROM for them, but not this updated Jelly Bean ROM.
NOTE#3: I’ve posted a new JB ROM for Amoi N820 and N821 with integrated ROOT. Please check out the post and see if it’s for you.
Someone recently requested some help regarding getting Android Jelly Bean 4.1 onto their Amoi Big V. Rather than upload 700MB, I’ve decided to create this tutorial on how to create a China 360 cloud drive account and add uploaded files to your drive from a shared folder.