One of the most asked questions on the forum is ‘how to make custom recovery / CWM for MT6575, MT6515, MT6577, MT6517, MT6589, MT6582, MT6588, MT6592, *MT6572’ (*NOT For MT6572 with UBIFS type EMMC). (more…)
Category: MTK6589T
Magic Create Custom CWM Touch Recovery For *Most MTK Based Phones and Tablets!
New MTK Droid Tools Released! Compatible With MT6592!
The newest version of MTK Droid Tools has just been released. Now with compatibility for MT6592, as well as MT6582, MT6589, MT6589T, MT6577, MT6575, MT6572 and all other MTK based SoC. (more…)
Blu Life To Release 4 New Phone Models!
Blu Life is adding 4 new mobiles to their lineup. If you haven’t heard of Blu Life before, we’re not surprised. The brand generally doesn’t show up too often on China shops who cater to Western consumers, however now that they’re diversifying their lineup, the brand may become a bit more popular. (more…)
MTK / MediaTek At Las Vegas CES! MT6290 To Be Used In Existing MT6582!
Wow, how a year can change things in the world of China brand technology. From last year when MediaTek was barely a blip on the radar in the mainstream community, to this year when MTK has, as predicted, been implemented in mainstream brands such as Sony and Huawei, releasing an 8-core SoC with LTE, and showcasing MediaTek solutions at CSE in Las Vegas. (more…)
How To Make a Scatter File MT6595, MT6582, MT6589, MT6592, MT6577, MT6589T, MT6572!
If you’re looking for a tutorial on how to make a scatter file for MTK6582, MTK6595, MTK6589, MTK6592, MTK6577, MTK6589T, MTK6572, then you’ve come to the right place. (more…)
How To Flash ROM / Firmware with SP Flash Tool On MTK6595, MTK6592, MTK6589, MTK6572, MTK6582, MTK6577
If you’d like to know how to flash a ROM on MTK6752, MT6732, MT6753, MT6735, MT6595, MT6592, MT6589, MT6572, MT6582, MT6577, you’re on the write post. Normally we refer people to this post, as the procedure is mostly the same. But for the sake of simplicity, we’ll write a stand-alone tutorial. (more…)
How To Partition Storage MTK6582 MTK6592 MTK6577 MTK6589!
Have you ever wondered how to change / modify your storage partition so that you have more space in your internal storage, and less on the phone storage? (more…)
4000mA MT6589T Lenovo Lephone T698!
Coming soon is the Lenovo Lephone T698. Special because it has an absolutely giant battery, but maintains a < 10mm profile. (more…)
MTK Droid Tools v2.5.1 Released!
A new MTK Droid Tools is out. MTK Droid Tools 2.5.1. Fixes a previous bug with 2.5.0.
If you’re new to the scene, you might not know what MTK Droid Tools is. It’s a tool for your MT6592, MT6589T, MT6589T, MT6577, MT6575, MT6572 and most any relatively modern MTK CPU / SoC. (more…)
Backup ROM MTK6592 / MTK6589 / MTK6582 / MTK6577 / MTK6572 – Any MTK Phone!
Image by Marco Galasso User NexusTrix at Chinaphonearena has made an awesome contribution. A full tutorial on how to backup any MediaTek phone. Though he included ‘MT6592’ in the mix, I’m not sure MTK Droid Tools is 100% compatible with MTK6592 phones, but the process will be the same. MTK Droid Tools will surely be updated to include the new SoC soon. (more…)
O2 Super K1, K2 and K3! New MTK6592 and MTK6589T China phone brand!
We’ve seen a few brands pop out of the blue over the last couple years. Some of them stick around and develop a following, others fade away.
I’m usually not a ‘clone’ type of guy. I prefer to have a phone that has it’s own original design that can stand on its own two feet. If you’re going to have a clone though, you should purchase a clone that has a brand attached to it so you can find firmwares, get support, and find other owners of the model to discuss issues and work out problems. (more…)
Full List Of MTK6589T China Phones!
We recently posted the full list of MTK6589 phones, now here’s the full list as of 17-NOV-2013 of phones that have MT6589T MediaTek SoC along with their retail price in China! Also check out the MTK6592 list. (more…)