Archives for Tech - Page 14
News flash! Specs and estimated release date on the quad-core MTK mt6588! (part 1)
Some of us have known that the new quad-core MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 will be coming out. Well, now we have news as to when we can start to see…
The inflatable seat belt will save more lives
I live in a place where 70% of people on the road don't wear seat belts. It's also no problem to go blazing by a cop, in a school zone…
Not Close To A Solution For Fast Battery Charging In Electric Vehicles
Though fast charging technology exists to make electronic vehicles practical (currently a 30 min charge can fuel the Tesla S Sedan for 150+ miles), automobile makers refuse to settle on…
Megapixel Tech in televisions 84″ and under reaching it’s peak – ‘4k’ (8mp)
While hard drives will always get bigger and processors continue to get faster, there's one aspect of technology that may not improve much - The amount of Megapixels in LCD's.…
Sony Xperia Sola phone can be used without touching the screen
The new Sony Xperia Sola has the tech to be used with your finger floating above the LCD as opposed to actually touching it. There is a demo below. For…
Sharp showcases new LCD technology which may replace “Retina”
"Retina" displays could soon be considered out-dated technology thanks to Sharp's new IGZO tech. The transistors in Sharp's new LCD's are made from indium, gallium and zinc oxide alloys which…