“‘ere’s more ‘an one way ta skin a bear” my grand-pappy used to say. At least, I think that’s what he said. He was rather toothless and difficult to understand. Regardless, there’s definitely more than one way to stream your videos, and access your media files and documents on your networked PC with your Android smartphone. (more…)
How To Share and Stream Movies / Media Files / Documents From Your PC To Your Android With ES Explorer!
New UMi X1 Jelly Bean 4.1 ROM Released!
The new ROM touts better battery life, fixed touchscreen issues and fixed built-in SD problems, as well as improvements with standby power consumption. (more…)
The TCL Y900 Is The Likely MTK6588 / MTK6589 Candidate!
The strong rumor is that the TCL Y900 will carry the MTK6588 / MTK6589 CPU. (more…)
Rumored 2GHz MTK6588 / MTK6589 iPhone 5 Clone!
Take this post with a huge grain o’ salt. An online Chinese retailer currently has iPhone 5 clones with MTK6588 / MTK6589 clocked at 2GHz for sale. (more…)
TCL Alcatel – MTK6588 / MTK6589 Phone In The Works! (w/Leaked Antutu Screenshots)
In previous posts, GizBeat reported TCL was to be the first one out the gate with a production model MTK6588 / MTK6589 phone. (more…)
Neo N003 – MTK6588 / MTK6589 Phone In The Works!
Let’s take a look at the MTK6588 / MTK6589 smartphones currently in development. (more…)
New ZP950 Zopo Leader Max Video And Quad-Core Confirmation!
Along with the Zopo ZP800 teaser, this video was also released comparing the new dual-core ZP950 Zopo Leader Max to the ZP900 Zopo Leader. (more…)
Zopo Announces MTK6588 / MTK6589 ZP800!
You didn’t think Zopo would be releasing just one MTK6588 / MTK6589 model did you? One size surely doesn’t fit all, and Zopo is one company that likes to cover the gamut. (more…)
Here Comes The JiaYu G4!
Most of us still can’t get our hands on a JiaYu G3 at a decent price, but the JiaYu G4 is already on the way. (more…)
MTK6588 / MTK6589 Official MediaTek Conference Holds Surprises!
Up until now, there was nothing sure about the MTK6588 / MTK6589. Today that all changed when MediaTek held an official conference and released the definitive specs of the new quad-core MTK6588 / MTK6589. Read on for the high points. (more…)
MediaTek To Officially Release MTK6588 / MTK6589!
It’s been what seems like a long wait and the wait is finally over, as MediaTek will be officially announcing their quad-core MTK6588 / MTK6589 CPU tomorrow. (more…)
Cool Reader – A GizBeat Top-Choice App
Cool Reader– GizBeat’s free Ebook reader app of choice is Cool Reader. Another great piece of free appware which supports reading of epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM), pml formats. (more…)