In part 5 we’ll discuss what could be the biggest reason some of you may want to wait for the MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 and MTK mt6583. The GPU! The SGX544 is a huge step up from SGX531, and will be on-board the quad-core mt6588 / mtk6588 and the dual-core mt6583 as well.
Breaking news – Quad-core 1.5Ghz MTK6588 initial release to manufacturers in October!
MTK6588 Resolution Prediction (MTK mt6588 – part 4)
In the previous part of this series, we discussed the MTK MT6589 / MTK6589’s impressive 13mp camera and 1080p capabilities. In this post, I’ll talk about MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 officially supporting up to 720p 1280×800 displays.
As is the case with mtk mt6577 / mtk6577, their are phones already released such as the Zopo zp300, zp300+ and THL W3 that have 720p 1280×720. How is this so when the MTK’s specs show the mtk mt6577 / mtk6577 as only supporting 960×540? I think the key here is that this is the resolution MTK “officially” supports. (more…)
Using the Oppo Finder (x907) to hammer nails (specs and video)
Below you’ll find a video of this tough gizmo. The Oppo Finder is only 6.6mm thick. To put it in perspective, an iPod Touch is 8.5mm, which I think is already too thin. Hey, some of us like slim and sleek as possible. The battery is a respectable 1500mA. For a phone this thin, you can’t complain. The price however is a different story at around the $450 mark. (more…)
MTK mt6588 Specs and Key Points and MTK CPU Comparison Graph (part 3)
Okay, so now that we’ve discussed the ability of the MTK6588 camera being able to handle 13mp photos, let’s get on with the MTK MT6589 / MTK6589’s 1080p video support. At the bottom of this post there’s a graph comparing the various recent and upcoming CPUs from MTK. (more…)
Software of the week – Incendia EX V Fractal and abstract tattoo generator (gallery)
From time to time, I’d like to mention some software I find extremely useful or cool. The software this go-around was happened upon by chance via a google search for software called “Apophysis”, which was recommended by my brother. I read a bit about it on the net and saw some of the amazing images it can create, and before I downloaded it, came across Incendia. (more…)
Try this on your iPod – Gorilla Glass from Corning put to the test on the new JiaYu g3 w/ dual-core mt6577
Gorilla glass is the real deal as shown in this short youtube video. While fans wait in anticipation, JiaYu is hard at work getting their licensing agreements finished up with China authorities. Pass some time and watch razor blades scratch across this LCD protection seemingly to no affect. (more…)
News flash! Specs and estimated release date on the quad-core MTK mt6588! (part 1)
Some of us have known that the new quad-core MTK MT6589 / MTK6589 will be coming out. Well, now we have news as to when we can start to see these CPUs released to manufacturers. Looks testing on sample machines has already been completed successfully and we should start to see these CPUs in phones as early as Q4 this year! If you’re thinking about getting a new phone with dual-core mtk mt6577 / mtk6577, read on at your own peril, as you may find yourself thinking twice. (more…)
UMi X1 mtk mt6577 dual-core China phone shows up in black! (photo gallery)
As the pre-sale numbers continue to rise, some new photos are released. The UMi with mtk mt6577 / mtk6577 looks awesome in black, and it’s been released that the UMi X1 will have Japanese “AGC” high-impact resistant, tempered glass front protecting the LCD as opposed to the g3’s Gorilla Glass from Corning. (more…)
mtk mt6577 UMi X reaches nearly 60k pre-orders in the first day!
This slick phone has sold nearly 60,000 on the first day. I’m still on the fence on this one, as camera and LCD quality remain to be seen. One must guess that it will be on par, or nearly on par with the JiaYu g3, but there’s no telling for sure yet. (more…)
New JiaYu g3 china phone competitor – the UMi X with mtk6577 dual-core dual sim (photo gallery)
Just as the JiaYu is about to come out with their new g3, the UMi X comes along and steals some thunder. Now, I’m not sure what the problem is with JiaYu getting their license is, but whatever it is, other companies are not waiting around and coming out with some excellent spec phones while JiaYu messes about. (more…)