How To Partition Storage MTK6582 MTK6592 MTK6577 MTK6589!

change_partitionHave you ever wondered how to change / modify your storage partition so that you have more space in your internal storage, and less on the phone storage?

Now that we have 32GB and 64GB SD cards available, many of us may don’t need the extra storage space on phone storage and would prefer to have that space allocated to the internal system storage. Every time we download and install an app, it gets put on the internal system storage AND on either phone storage or external SD. By modifying the partitions with EBR and EBR2 we can give ourselves that extra space on internal system storage so we can install more apps.

There is an app for changing storage partitions, however many people have ended up soft bricked. You could hex edit the EBR and EBR2 files yourself, but why do that when we’ve got them made already for you.

We’ve got them posted, along with a short tutorial here at the forum. We’ll be adding more as they become available.

Remember – BACKUP or make sure you have access to a backup if you decide to go ahead and play with changing / modifying storage on your MT6582, MT6592, MT6577, MT6589, MT6589T China phone.


8 responses to “How To Partition Storage MTK6582 MTK6592 MTK6577 MTK6589!”

  1. M Abu Obaida Avatar
    M Abu Obaida

    Hi Damian, I got a K-touch U86 from China, using in Bangladesh. The device is rooted probably. But some key features I can’t use. The GPS is first to mention, and the play store, compass. I have a customized 4.1.2. Is there anything I can do to get the features, for example reinstalling the firmware. Thanks for your time.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      I’d recommend installing the newest stock firmware.

  2. nicolau Avatar

    damian i need your help i dont what ive done but my phone it dont start and i cant find rom for it and i have a doubt if can flash it with any rom that i can find here my fone is samsung galaxy s4 mini mtk6572 sometimes when i used to connect with droidtool used to show mtk 6572 (6589 is fake)
    i need rom please help me if you can send to my email [email protected] or if i can flash wiht other rom from other fones

  3. faruq Avatar

    Please I have a device with mt6589 (mt8389 is fake) and I have the default ebr1 and ebr2 files. Can you help me remodify it? Its a 16gb rom device. I don’t know how to use hex edit! Help will be most appreciated! Thank you!

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      That is what the tutorial is for. Just take it step by step.

  4. faruq Avatar

    Sorry! I don’t know how to go about it, I downloaded hex editor but I can’t seem to get anything out of it! Please I need your help. Can I upload it so you can help me edit it?

  5. kevin dobb Avatar
    kevin dobb

    sir i have bricked My MT6572 Samsung Grand Duos sp tool error PTM changed Try to Download First . THis Error occurs When I try To whole Flash My Nand Partition . When I try To download It Give error On 97% saying ebrom fail . If you want the Scatter File I will Send You . plz help me out here

  6. Mariano Avatar

    Hola Damián te comento que tengo un Inew V3 con rom 1.0.3. Funciona todo muy bien pero me ha quedado chico el almacenamiento, solo tengo disponible 95 mb de 1 gb. Leyendo vi que si se modifican los ebr se le puede asignar mas memoria para las apps. Podrías decirme si este tutoríal de los diferentes mtk, el mío es mtk 6582, se aplica para todos los celulares, incluido el mío o debo buscar el específico para Inew? Gracias y espero pronta respuesta.

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