It’s not a secret that I’m not so impressed with the added functionality KitKat brings to the table. The benefits of KitKat vs Jelly Bean, unless you have a Nexus device, are minimal. Still, it’s always exciting when China brands step up to the plate and having KitKat gives them a bit more clout.
A couple weeks back there was a rumor MediaTek had released source code for KitKat development, and a week back I reported about Green Orange to come with 4.4.2 for their NX. Today Elephone has released KitKat 4.4.2 for their MTK / MediaTek based smartphones – the Elephone P8 and Elephone P9.
Those of you with Elephone can download the ROMs now and give them a go. Those of you who don’t will have to wait a bit longer.
The best part of this news is now home developers should be able to port the Elephone ROM relatively easily over to other MTK phones. It likely means the next generation of MTK phones will be coming with KitKat, and we should also begin to see firmware updates from manufacturers of currently existing China phones models.
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