Days to explode above 35C / 95F if we don’t follow the Paris Accord

Days above 95F / 35C are set to increase drastically worldwide over the next few decades. This puts both people and crops at danger, and puts a strain on electricity grids as we struggle to adapt to the hotter weather.

If the world takes no action, this animated gif below shows the expected days above 95F / 35C by the end of century.

In this scenario, the average daily temperature will rise by 7.2F by the end of the century. A little math shows us that a day that’s 95F today will be 102F by the end of the century.

However, there is some hope at curbing this dramatic global warming effect. If countries adapt moderate curbing measures, as lined out in the Paris Accord, things look a bit better. Take a look at the gif below.

Here we see things still look a bit frightening, but not nearly so bad as the first gif.

In Washington, from 1986 to 2005, an average of seven days per year had temps above 95F / 35C. If we adapt moderate measures, Washington is estimated to see 29 days per year with temps above 95F / 35C by the year 2099.

Phoenix, AZ currently sees 124 days per year above 95F / 35C. If moderate measures are adopted, Phoenix will see 155 days above 95F / 35C by 2099.

Madrid, Spain currently has eight days per year at 95F+ and will see 43 severely hot days by end of the century.

In the table below, we look at days above 95F now, vs if the Paris Accord is adhered to, vs if we continue as we are now without making changes.

Current days above 95F / 35C yearly2099 If Paris accord is followed2099 If no measures are taken
Washington D.C.72947
Phoenix, Arizona125155210
Madrid, Spain84368
New Delhi, India105137186
Beijing, China93550


One response to “Days to explode above 35C / 95F if we don’t follow the Paris Accord”

  1. edcoolio Avatar

    So, they cannot predict the weather accurately 1 month in advance, yet I am being told that this 80 year + projection is a precise “fact”?!

    I’m afraid that forecasts that will force me to change my (and my country’s) current lifestyle for nonsensical guesstimates long after I am dead triggers my BS meter. Frankly, it should trigger everyone’s BS meter…

    Regardless, this article has given me a great idea. I’m going to travel to my second home in a big pickup truck towing my 4-wheeler, do some target practice with legal, yet politically incorrect firearms. Then I will light up a huge bonfire outside, and grill some hamburgers. That should make me feel better.

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