Meizu M3 Note firmware is too old flash ROM MT6755 Helio P10 without losing root and ROM downgrade

This Meizu M3 Note how-to ROM flashing without recovery guide tutorial will show you how to flash a full ROM or OTA onto your Meizu M3 Note without recovery, and should work for phones even if your bootloader is locked.

Meizu M3 Note MT6755 Helio P10 guides related to this guide (links open in new tab)

ROM downgrade “The firmware is too old”

If you’ve received an error in recovery that tells you the ROM kernel you’re trying to flash is older than the ROM you’re currently on, this guide will help you. Why? Because it sidesteps recovery and directly flashes the ROM through it’s own processes.

Keeps your root

If you’ve wanted to know how to flash OTA and keep root, this guide will help you flash an full ROM or OTA ROM and keep root in Android.

Works with phones other than MT6755 Helio P10 Meizu

Note, while this tutorial is written using Meizu M3 Note, FlashFire and this tutorial will work with any rooted phone. It doesn’t have to be Meizu M3 Note.


Backup your important media

  • Make sure your important pictures / videos / media / documents etc… are backed up

Downloads for this flash ROM without recovery guide

  1. for flashing through recovery This is optional. If you don’t care about having the new ROM already rooted you can skip this step
  2. FlashFire.apk This is the tool that will flash your ROM without using recovery mode
  3. build.prop This is for Meizu M3 Note going to only. If you’re following this guide with a different phone, skip step 5.
  4. Your Meizu M3 Note ROM / OTA / file to flash

Step 1

  • Copy the and the ROM to be flashed to the base of your Meizu M3 Note internal storage

Step 2

  • Install FlashFire.apk onto your Meizu M3 Note phone

Step 3

  • Start FlashFire
  • Make sure you allow any SuperSU root permission requests from FlashFire. This is very important. If you don’t allow the request, then FlashFire will not be able to flash your Meizu M3 Note ROM


Step 4 – Select the ROM

After root permission is granted to FlashFire, you will see a menu on the left side

  1. Tap “Actions”
  2. Tap the big “+” in the bottom-right corner
  3. Select “Flash ZIP or OTA”
  4. Navigate to the MTK6755 Helio P10 Meizu M3 Note Global ROM you want to flash and select it
  5. Wait for it to check the package. This step may take a few minutes
  6. Select “Auto-mount” and “Mount /system read/write” if they’re not already selected
  7.  Hit the “✓” in the upper-right corner

Step 5 – Select build.prop (Meizu M3 Note ONLY)

This build.prop will make sure your Global ROM keeps the display proper. If not using this build.prop, it may end up reversed. This is ONLY for Meizu M3 Note going to

  1. Tap the big “+” in the bottom-right corner again
  2. Select “Flash ZIP or OTA”
  3. Navigate to the you downloaded earlier and select it
  4. Select “Mount /system read/write” if it’s not already selected
  5. Hit the “✓” in the upper-right corner


Step 6 – Select

This step is optional, but we highly recommend it. It will make sure you stay rooted and will give you the official SuperSU ChainFire binary and .apk control app.

  1. Tap the big “+” in the bottom-right corner again
  2. Select “Flash ZIP or OTA”
  3. Navigate to the you downloaded earlier and select it
  4. Select “Mount /system read/write” if it’s not already selected
  5. Hit the “✓” in the upper-right corner

Step 7 – Select Wipe options

  1. Hit the “+” again
  2. Select “Wipe”
  3. Check “System data”
  4. Check “Dalvik cache”
  5. Check “Cache partition”
  6. “3rd party apps” – If you want to try and leave your apps and data (dirty flash), then make sure “3rd party apps” is deselected. However, to minimize the chance of anything going wrong, especially if making a big ROM change, we suggest a “clean flash”, which will wipe your 3rd party apps and data.
  7. Hit the “✓” in the upper-right corner


Step 8 – Flash the MT6755 Helio P10 Meizu M3 Note ROM

Now is the moment of truth. Don’t be too nervous, as many thousands have gone before you successfully. That being said, you take this step at 100% your own risk.

  • Scroll down until you see the “⚡” lightning bolt icon in the bottom-left corner
  • Tap it
  • Assuming you accept the risk, go ahead and approve any warnings that may pop-up from Flashfire
Flash about to start
Flash about to start

Step 9 – Wait

  • At this point you may see a black screen. This black screen may show for up to a minute. Be patient and just wait. Do not interrupt.
  • When the flash is finished, the phone should auto-reboot to rebuild Android from the newly flashed .zip / ROM / OTA.

Bam! Done. Thanks for reading and let us know how things have worked out for you in the comments.


41 responses to “Meizu M3 Note firmware is too old flash ROM MT6755 Helio P10 without losing root and ROM downgrade”

  1. Haim Holender Avatar
    Haim Holender

    This is not working for me – when i start the flashfire it says that i don’t have root – i used both flyme root and kingroot and the script for the international id change works for me.

    what to do?

    i still get the too old error.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hello Haim, this is because KingRoot is not appropriately allowing root permissions with FlashFire. We are making a tutorial now on how to change KingRoot to SuperSU.

    2. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Okay Haim. The new post on how to remove KingUser and replace with SuperSU is up.

      1. Haim Holender Avatar
        Haim Holender

        Tried it – getting stuck for more than 10 min after i press the big blue button with processing please wait – i have kingroot v4.9.3 installed – what to do?

  2. Anwargt4 Avatar

    Thank you very much. I done it twice on two phones bought in China and it works very well. I flash it from to I got the “to old version” message so I tried this solution. For the second phone I did it twice before it works I dont know why, the difference that I did was to let the data cable plugged to the PC, after that it works.

    I just want to notice that I had some problems with the root process. Kingoroot didn’t work with FlashFire (Kinguser wont give it the root permission, and it seems that there are some conflict between Kingoroot and SuperSu) so I had to switch from kingoroot to SuperSu and all works very well. Thank you all :)

    1. Artem Avatar

      Oh man, how did you do that? I also want to flash it from to, follow all the steps but it remains It went ok, black screen, reboot, but nothing changed. I did it 3 times with no result. Did you apply step 6? My flashfire doesn’t see or SuperSU.apk, so I didn’t use this step. Other steps have no issues. What did I do wrong?

      1. Damian Parsons Avatar
        Damian Parsons

        Hello, have you changed Meizu M3 Note device ID to international / global?

        1. Artem Avatar

          Hello, Damian. I tried it, and got “Firmware is too old” error. Then I follow all the steps in this article, did it 3 times but firmware remains

          1. Damian Parsons Avatar
            Damian Parsons

            Hello, you need to change device ID to Global. That is not the same as flashing a ROM. Have you changed device ID to global?

  3. Artem Avatar

    I dont know where to check whether ID changed or not. I followed this article , after typing “sh /storage/emulated/0/” in the terminal, phone rebooted to recovery, I selected “wipe device”, it started checking firmware and I got “Firmware is too old” error.

  4. jay Avatar

    I am facing similar issues as mentioned above. My case is a bit different.
    I already have a global version phone purchased in India. Since the initial G rom was shity I decided to swich to A rom. After switching to A rom i also updated the Rom to new test Rom or something like that cant remember the last few numbers.

    Now I plan to go back to 5.3.3 G. Saw this post and tried to change ID then install Rom no luck.but it shows done. So tried the FlashFire way, build prop used was the same as given above but ROM versi0n 5.3.3G it flashed the Rom perfectly.

    Now the issue build no. Shows the lower verion ( G)and I have the latest G verion (5.3.3 G).

    Also when I tried to direcyly install via recover by doing a clean wipe I saw the recover is still in Chinese. If I try to flash direcly still getting ROM too old error.

    I am really flustrated. Plz help guys.

    What I need is to update to 5.3.3G version with the stock global recover and if possible get OTA update in future.

    Hope my explanion is good enough. Plz help guys.


    1. ashish Avatar

      Hey, have you solved your problem. Im also facing same.

      1. Jay Avatar

        Nope still the same. :(

  5. Alan Avatar

    Success! Finally! Thank you very much, Damian.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Thanks for taking the time to comment Alan. Excellent it worked out for you. For the record, which version were you on, and which version did you come to now? Regards.

      1. Alan Avatar

        Uh oh. There is one bug. The front camera doesn’t work now. So the ROM was from to

        1. Sidónio Avatar

          Yes, I’d love to know if other people with are having the same problem. The first camera doesn’t work with this rom I don’t know why. I’ve wiped data, re installing 3 times firmware but no luck. In the Chinese rom it works but not in the global rom. So frustrating.

          1. Toutsi Avatar

            And it isn’t just the included camera app. Any 3rd party app can’t access the front-facing camera.

          2. Julian Avatar

            any fix to the front camera? same here

          3. Sidónio Avatar

            I have received another M3 note but the real global version M681H with the same firmware and the camera works. So the problem is in fact in the G firmware installed in all M681H phones… We can only pray that a future G firmware will resolve this.

          4. Toutsi Avatar

            Aha… so mine is M681Q, if the firmware is for M681H it has a few issues, like the front-facing camera not working and inverted screen.

        2. Alan Avatar

          I gave up on trying to install the global rom. Just did this:

          1. Alan Avatar

            By the way, i flashed it back to the original rom first.

  6. Neekz Avatar

    Is that possible to do it with a firmware ?
    And if i need to change my phone ID how is that possible since in
    It is for firmware

  7. galaktik Avatar

    Is this working with the last ? I want to downgrade from to

  8. Giannis Mpanias Avatar
    Giannis Mpanias

    Dear Damian. I am having a really strange issue with a meizu m3 note. I bought it at Greece with Global firmware but I somehow updated it to chinese without rooting it. Now i can’t update it. I just installed the beta version ( . I am doing all those stuffs you type but I cant get a result. I can download only the latest asian version A and if I try to install the global it says too old file. can you give me your wissdom?

    1. shyam Avatar

      hi, i am also on flyme now
      but i want latest global rom ….

      any suggestion plz

  9. venkat Avatar

    How to downgrade from 5.6 beta to 5.1g in m3 note.This method strucks my botscreen.

  10. Khánh Nguyễn Avatar
    Khánh Nguyễn

    After flash rom,i have a problem in front camera. It’s not work. any fix that?

    1. Toutsi Avatar

      As of now and as far as I know, there is no way with the available custom G roms to make the M681Q work properly.

  11. shyam Avatar

    now i am.on flyme
    but i want a latest global rom with working gapps plz help anyone 😭

  12. Mike.25 Avatar

    Thank you very much! Flashed from Flyme 5.6.x.x.A Beta to Flyme I flashed it without build.prop so my screen was reversed, quickly solved it editing build.prop. Also, to have root in the new rom you have to check “inject SuperSU” in EverRoot section in Flashfire before flashing it. Thank you again for this really useful guide!

    1. Toutsi Avatar

      Does your front-facing camera work? Also, which model do you have? M681Q or M681H?

      1. Mike.25 Avatar

        I have the M681Q (3/32); No, the front facing camera doesn’t work.

      2. Mike.25 Avatar

        Hi again, I just flashed Flyme (latest version), now the front camera finally works :)! Flyme download:

        1. Toutsi Avatar

          Hello! yes finally! I saw it also today! Thanks!

          1. thiyam Avatar

            my phon flash fire is not working plz help me out

          2. Toutsi Avatar

            @thiyam It usually works by downloading the firmware ( and tapping it from inside the phone. It will prompt to update with wipe. If it reports firmware corrupt, then I don;t know yet.

  13. asdfgsg Avatar

    for flashfire to work.

    dont forget to set date to 2013 and put flight mode.

  14. thuyet vu Avatar
    thuyet vu

    thank all

  15. Hk Fufu Avatar
    Hk Fufu


    M3 Notes 3Gb/32gb

    Downgrade from to because of serious issues with bluetooth (50 to 100 dc/day…no joke) and to wake up the phone (5 to 10s to wake up the phone)

    Successful for me! Thanks a lot for this tutorial.

    After a SU root and an update of the flashfire tool via the play store (otherwise the flashfire didn’t work).

    1st try downloaded on the phone root. tapping…update… “Too old flash ROM etc… etc…”

    2nd try
    following all the instructions, after the reboot and a really really fast install, I was still with the Failure.

    3rd try
    Flashfire again
    I just add the and the wipe option without the 3rd party apps. Nothing else.
    Black screen for a few sec and o_O flash in progress… 10mn later and a reboot… flash successful :)
    I’m now with a (i know i wrote in first place… thought it was)

    I think i’ll wipe the device with the boot in recovery mode to finish the job.

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