Mixeshop Review! – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd.

Updated Review: http://gizbeat.com/2038/mixeshop-review-scam-merchant-shenzhen-mei-shi-yi-electronics-co-ltd-1-star/

China sellers have come a long way since the days before Aliexpress and Escrow. While there still are some shady China companies in the mix, generally if you’re careful and research your seller before purchasing, your experience very likely will be a positive one.


Now this is a case where they easily could have ripped me off. I paid with PayPal gift because PayPal doesn’t allow adding of addresses outside the country of registration. However, based on their net feedback I decided to go ahead and trust them. In looking at Mixeshop’s Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd. feedback on Aliexpress, you can see there are some disgruntled customers. I also found positive feedback alluding to problem situations handled in top-form by them. There will always be unhappy customers – no matter how well they’re treated. Sometimes customers will outright lie to cause damage to a business. While the negative feedback for a company needs to be considered, looking at feedback regarding problem situations handled properly is far more telling.

mixeshop Pre-sale support – Very good. Replied to promptly. Friendly.

Post-sale support – Very good. Replied to promptly. Friendly.

Product Description – Mostly good. In this instance there was some question as to the phone having 850Mhz WCDMA. The manufacturer had only 2100 listed, while the seller had 850Mhz listed as well as 2100. This is understandable as false specifications are often spread across the net. In this particular case, the manufacturer’s website initially had 4 bands listed for WCDMA, but then changed the specs.

Shipping Time – The first purchase I made went out the day I ordered it. Keep in mind this was with PayPal gift payment. It may take longer for proper channels. GizBeat recommends you use proper channels when possible so you have some type of buyer protection. In this case, I was forced because my debit card had expired and I was waiting for a new one. I couldn’t use PayPal proper sales channels because PayPal doesn’t allow foreign addresses. The second purchase I made was supposed to go out the same day, however there was a mixup between sales and the warehouse and the order was delayed several days.

Order Accuracy –  The case and phone color got mixed up in the order. Luckily they were out of white cases, which required them contacting me to see if I wanted the other case color that was available, otherwise the phone and the case would of come in the wrong color. They have two different venues. One is on Aliexpress marketplace. The other is their private website. Aliexpress – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd. Mixeshop – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd.


13 responses to “Mixeshop Review! – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd.”

  1. ram Avatar

    nice work keep it up. there are many who require seller reviews

    1. Brady56 Avatar


      I bought the G4 about two weeks ago @androidcenters.com
      I wanted to buy the G3, altough the site said it was available, they told me after the payment it was not, and would only be back after some days, waiting for production. Then I got the notice they would not be producing it any more. :( They told me I needed to choose some other phone. after a lot of emails they told me I could also wait for the G4. I needed to pay extra and they would send me the phone. still it said that the G3 was available on the site….. lol
      Finally fter 4 weeks I received the G4; totally happy just before I got on vacation, unpacked looking really good, BUT……. it totally flips, when I open Whatsapp, the calender opens, the back button does not work or gives me some setting menu, the facebook button opens the camera and the setting menu show me my emails. nearly every spot on the touchscreen connects to some wrong place…. try to type some email then !!!
      I noticed them 1 hour after receiving and showed them videos and so on….. untill now they only want to take it back and take a look, repair if needed, and I have to pay the shipping costs !!!!! Or they give me !!!!!!!!10 $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! discount when I order an new one, totally screwed.
      Taking out the battery and full reset sometimes works for a while but the problem keeps coming back….. VERY VERY SAD no service at all and warranty seems to be an not-existing word, if the phone is rubbish, like this one is…. you’re screwed….. :(

      1. Damian Parsons Avatar
        Damian Parsons

        Hello Brady, is this shop affiliated with Mixeshop? Unfortunately we have to shoulder the shipping… This is the same with all China shops. Perhaps they even knew the phone had an issue. Have you tried a different firmware for your phone? You can come by chinaphonearena.com and we can try and help you out. Cheers.

  2. Rafael Martinez Avatar
    Rafael Martinez

    I have been fooled by Mixeshop.

    Yes, this web-store is a scam.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hey Rafael, I will be writing a new review on Mixeshop and downgrading them to 2 stars. Tina is rude and calling her ‘customer service’ is a huge misnomer. They made mistakes on the simplest of details. Order black and you’re likely to get white. 4 orders from them and every single one had some issue or another. Horrible and not worth the few bucks you save. Please write about your experience with them on our forum Rafael.

  3. Bjorn Avatar


    I bought the G4 about two weeks ago @Mixeshop.com.
    I wanted to buy the G3, altough the site said it was available, they told me after the payment it was not, and would only be back after some days, waiting for production. Then I got the notice they would not be producing it any more. :( They told me I needed to choose some other phone. after a lot of emails they told me I could also wait for the G4. I needed to pay extra and they would send me the phone. still it said that the G3 was available on the site….. lol
    Finally fter 4 weeks I received the G4; totally happy just before I got on vacation, unpacked looking really good, BUT……. it totally flips, when I open Whatsapp, the calender opens, the back button does not work or gives me some setting menu, the facebook button opens the camera and the setting menu show me my emails. nearly every spot on the touchscreen connects to some wrong place…. try to type some email then !!!
    I noticed them 1 hour after receiving and showed them videos and so on….. untill now they only want to take it back and take a look, repair if needed, and I have to pay the shipping costs !!!!! Or they give me !!!!!!!!10 $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! discount when I order an new one, totally screwed.
    Taking out the battery and full reset sometimes works for a while but the problem keeps coming back….. VERY VERY SAD no service at all and warranty seems to be an not-existing word, if the phone is rubbish, like this one is…. you’re screwed….. :(
    Reageer ↓

  4. johan Avatar

    I ordered a androidphone in October 2012 (yes you read correctly 2012).
    Everything was perfectly delivered, the only problem was that the speaker didn’t work. I send it back and till there no problem.
    after discussing through mail when to receive the fixed one they decides to send it back fixed in April 2nd 2013. there was an error at our postal service and the package was send back (ok this is not the mixeshop fault) but now the troubles start. they say I signed for it while the track ID clearly says it’s returned. now they don’t find the package and I have to wait till they find it.
    My personal experience with the aftersales or customer support is…well terrible if I must be honest.
    they don’t understand simple English questions. If you ask a question they don’t answer that question but try to please you with “i’m sorry to hear that you have a problem”. After the finteenth reply like that you get a but annoyed… My advice: good sales and fast delivery but terrible aftersales Customer support if something’s broken.
    try to buy lokally and spend a bit more so you won’t have the hassle

  5. Defrauded customer Avatar
    Defrauded customer

    And when I sent back Tablet pc to service, LINDA LEE play for time 6 mounth long, and later say: They lost my Tablet!
    But NO problem i can get 2-3 usd discount price, when I wanna buy a new tablet! Thats normal and fair???
    NEVER BUY from MIXESHOP or Yaoxin Electronics CO.,LTD!!!

    1. johan Avatar

      same thing with me. they say they haven’t received te phone back while it’s clear on the tracknumber it is. GL and I hope you get your tablet.

  6. Customer Avatar

    Must say i bought there only once and that was a BIG MISTAKE.
    Tablet PC arrived i used condistion and defective on top.
    No response vis email or skype. Had to involve paypal to get my money back. Lost 66 Euros with shipping ther crap back to China.
    DO not, repeat, do not buy anything there if you need a reliable store and count on customer oriented after sales.
    They are not honest and sell shit there!!

  7. robert Avatar

    I ordered and paid for PIPO tablet on Nov 11 2013. It arrived on the 26th and what a shock it was to find that it is used. They are so sloppy they couldn’t even be bothered to package the accessories properly – the charger, very coarse looking, was just placed in the box without a wrapping. The tablet itself is also coarse in appearance – a tell-tale sign of having been used for a long time. How do I involve Paypal to retrieve the cost price of 275 US dollars?.

    1. Damian Parsons Avatar
      Damian Parsons

      Hi, sorry to hear about this. It’s a huge gamble purchasing from these guys. Their prices are very tempting, but it’s not worth the risk. Follow this link to start the claim process. Don’t let Mixeshop delay you with bullcrap excuses. It needs to be filed within 45 days of purchase. https://www.paypal.com/be/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/Customer/customerservice/GXOLogin-outside&from=resolution_center&fileWhat=claim

  8. robert Avatar

    Thanks very much, Damian. I am very grateful to you for pointing the way to me.

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