Updated Review: http://gizbeat.com/2038/mixeshop-review-scam-merchant-shenzhen-mei-shi-yi-electronics-co-ltd-1-star/
China sellers have come a long way since the days before Aliexpress and Escrow. While there still are some shady China companies in the mix, generally if you’re careful and research your seller before purchasing, your experience very likely will be a positive one.
Now this is a case where they easily could have ripped me off. I paid with PayPal gift because PayPal doesn’t allow adding of addresses outside the country of registration. However, based on their net feedback I decided to go ahead and trust them. In looking at Mixeshop’s Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd. feedback on Aliexpress, you can see there are some disgruntled customers. I also found positive feedback alluding to problem situations handled in top-form by them. There will always be unhappy customers – no matter how well they’re treated. Sometimes customers will outright lie to cause damage to a business. While the negative feedback for a company needs to be considered, looking at feedback regarding problem situations handled properly is far more telling.
Pre-sale support – Very good. Replied to promptly. Friendly.
Post-sale support – Very good. Replied to promptly. Friendly.
Product Description – Mostly good. In this instance there was some question as to the phone having 850Mhz WCDMA. The manufacturer had only 2100 listed, while the seller had 850Mhz listed as well as 2100. This is understandable as false specifications are often spread across the net. In this particular case, the manufacturer’s website initially had 4 bands listed for WCDMA, but then changed the specs.
Shipping Time – The first purchase I made went out the day I ordered it. Keep in mind this was with PayPal gift payment. It may take longer for proper channels. GizBeat recommends you use proper channels when possible so you have some type of buyer protection. In this case, I was forced because my debit card had expired and I was waiting for a new one. I couldn’t use PayPal proper sales channels because PayPal doesn’t allow foreign addresses. The second purchase I made was supposed to go out the same day, however there was a mixup between sales and the warehouse and the order was delayed several days.
Order Accuracy – The case and phone color got mixed up in the order. Luckily they were out of white cases, which required them contacting me to see if I wanted the other case color that was available, otherwise the phone and the case would of come in the wrong color. They have two different venues. One is on Aliexpress marketplace. The other is their private website. Aliexpress – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd. Mixeshop – Shenzhen Mei Shi Yi Electronics Co., Ltd.
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